How Do I Know I'm Using A Reputable Rescue For Boar Dating?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2016
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I've contacted three rescues to get the ball rolling on finding a new chum for Barlo...but I'm just anxious and not sure how I know who's good and who's not? I haven't heard back from any yet, but has anyone had dealings with any of them?

I've contacted April Lodge, GBH Rescue in Beckenham, and East Peckham Guinea Pig Rescue.

Laura x
Any on our rescue locator (top of the page) have been checked and approved long before I joined the forum. But there are also other rescues that haven't made it onto our locator. If you come across one and want to recommend it please let us know and we can add to it.
I've contacted three rescues to get the ball rolling on finding a new chum for Barlo...but I'm just anxious and not sure how I know who's good and who's not? I haven't heard back from any yet, but has anyone had dealings with any of them?

I've contacted April Lodge, GBH Rescue in Beckenham, and East Peckham Guinea Pig Rescue.

Laura x

East Peckham would be my top recommendation; they offer residential full boar bonding at the rescue over the course of a week; any resulting boar bond is stress-tested to withstand the move home and as stable as a sow bond, so worth the extra effort!
April Lodge is also a decent guinea pig rescue; not sure whether they offer full residential boar dating or only speed dating. Not heard of GBH Rescue, so I can't comment on whether they are any good or not. As anybody can call themselves a rescue, the bottom end can be dire!

Here is our recommended good standard guinea pig rescue locator, which includes all those rescues we can guarantee for a safe experience without any nasty suprises when adopting: Guinea Pig Vet Locator
I know Jacky Carter who runs GBH in Beckenham. I've also adopted from them. I have absolutely no concerns - they're a very good rescue and they know what they're doing.

ETA - I've only adopted a sow from Jacky, however, so have never gone into their boar dating process. But contact her and she'll be able to advise. You might get her quicker on their Facebook page.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I do like the sound of residential rather than speed dating, will wait and see what April Lodge and GBH offer.

@Mackers - I am the only person in the world not on Facebook lol, it can be a pain in times like this! If I don't hear within the week I might get my husband to do it via his Facebook.
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