How Do I Know If My Piggies Are Stressed?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 1, 2016
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Tomorrow I will have two guineas in a cage which they are used to, they have had a long journey here and they will probably be confused. I don't want to scare them so I had a plan of getting them to their new home and getting them used to my smell for the first day. I live with my family who don't want Guinea pigs in the house over night, but I don't want to rush them. So do I try to get them used to the hutch and me on the first day? I was going to see how well they do when they get used to my smell because I have had two male piggies over while I looked after them and the first thing I did was get them out and cuddle, but they were new to their owner and practically new to me. But that seemed to work, one got quite attached to me amd licked my hand all the time. So would this work on my two girls?
All piggies are different. This is an entirely new environment for them so I suggest you give them several days to settle in. 3 days is usually a good amount of time. During this time try not to be IN there cage too much. Except to replenish food water etc of course. Talk to them and get them used to your presence voice. On the 3rd-4th day you can try lap/floor time. If they are very scared (frozen in place) keep a blanket handy for them to hide under and don't keep them out for too long. Day by day they should get more used to being handled but I find easing new piggies in slowly is best as they learn nothing bad will happen out of the cage and come to trust/enjoy your company
All piggies are different. This is an entirely new environment for them so I suggest you give them several days to settle in. 3 days is usually a good amount of time. During this time try not to be IN there cage too much. Except to replenish food water etc of course. Talk to them and get them used to your presence voice. On the 3rd-4th day you can try lap/floor time. If they are very scared (frozen in place) keep a blanket handy for them to hide under and don't keep them out for too long. Day by day they should get more used to being handled but I find easing new piggies in slowly is best as they learn nothing bad will happen out of the cage and come to trust/enjoy your company

Thank you for you advice, I have been concerned about how they will settle in. They are going to be moved outdoors in a hutch, do you have any advice as to when I should move them? The hutch is set up and ready to be used.
:D I think you should put them in the hutch as soon as you get them home. No point in letting them get settled indoors in the cage and then having to move them again. Follow Keiko's advice from there. Be aware that you probably will not see them for several hours. Don't worry, though. They will come out for food eventually! :tu:
I would put them straight into their proper home straight away, it's only gonna confuse them even more if their indoors then outdoors.
Here's what I did with my two boys though, as soon as we got them home I put them in their cage and they hid in their pouches, I pretty much left them alone for the night just talking gently too them when I passed the cage. I only spot cleaned for 3 days and put food and water in while gently talking too them but they still hid for majority of the time! So I used to put hay and bits and bobs of veg by their pouches and a tunnel right by the main hay stack so they could hide and eat. I had to put them in their run though by day 3 so I could do a fleece change and clean the cage, they didn't move out of their wigwam at all so I put their food by the door of it, when I put them back in the cage they were so excited chatting away! I only ever picked them up in their pouches and still do so they weren't stressed, but I've recently started picking them up and putting them under my fluffy dressing gown for 1 minute a night which I will increase sloooooooooooowly :D
But I have learnt one thing they don't like change! Good luck I hope your new piggies settle well!
Hi anarchybmc. ...I have just been reading this thread ...thank you for showing me that not everyone is able or needs to go straight in after a few days and hold their piggies. Having bought mine from a pet shop I was advised leave them for 2 to 3 days then start picking them up or they won't get used to you. This stressed me and them. They were very scared which made me jumpy in trying to get them. Then I had one bite which has now made me more warey of them. Better to take your time
Hi anarchybmc. ...I have just been reading this thread ...thank you for showing me that not everyone is able or needs to go straight in after a few days and hold their piggies. Having bought mine from a pet shop I was advised leave them for 2 to 3 days then start picking them up or they won't get used to you. This stressed me and them. They were very scared which made me jumpy in trying to get them. Then I had one bite which has now made me more warey of them. Better to take your time
I think it's quite hard sometimes too get your head around the fact that they are prey animals and it's just their instinct too get away from us great big Giants :D
Because they look so cute and cuddly like dogs or cats are we assume that they will love a cuddle, when really at first their just thinking go away go away go away lol

It's all about gaining their trust which in a way I feel is so much more gratifying :nod: hopefully one day they will love us back :hug:

In the meantime just give them time and when your handling them too clean their cage etc do it by using their pouches or a tube, this will build their confidence and yours. As far as I'm aware piggies don't actually bite through nastiness they are just scared, which I would be if a giant tried picking me up I'd be biting them everywhere I could :))
I hope I have helped in some way but if ever you need help/advice/reassurance this forum is fab everybody is so friendly!
Good luck :hug:
I think it's quite hard sometimes too get your head around the fact that they are prey animals and it's just their instinct too get away from us great big Giants :D
Because they look so cute and cuddly like dogs or cats are we assume that they will love a cuddle, when really at first their just thinking go away go away go away lol

It's all about gaining their trust which in a way I feel is so much more gratifying :nod: hopefully one day they will love us back :hug:

In the meantime just give them time and when your handling them too clean their cage etc do it by using their pouches or a tube, this will build their confidence and yours. As far as I'm aware piggies don't actually bite through nastiness they are just scared, which I would be if a giant tried picking me up I'd be biting them everywhere I could :))
I hope I have helped in some way but if ever you need help/advice/reassurance this forum is fab everybody is so friendly!
Good luck :hug:

Brilliantly put! I love this forum, I've only been signed up for two or three days and already I have two Guinea Pigs settled in a hutch with the perfect hay! Thank you for your help!
Thanks :tu:
Did you get the Timothy hay?
Soooooo what names have you gone for?

Yes, I got a bag of Timothy hay and they love it! I noticed the white one really suited biscuit so I'm just trying to think of a name to go with the black/brown one!
How about Nutella my boys love that on biscuits :nod:

I really like Nutella but my sister has decided it's Biscuit and Brownie! I posted some pictures of them on another thread, I think it's called A bit about my pets.
Oh that's just what we originally had down for our two as one is white and light beige and the other looks like your picture black with a ginger nose but longer hair... we had all sorts of names, the beige was biscuit the black was cookie then went to orio but we changed totally now to tilly and flossy... but could change again, it's hard isn't it! !
Oh that's just what we originally had down for our two as one is white and light beige and the other looks like your picture black with a ginger nose but longer hair... we had all sorts of names, the beige was biscuit the black was cookie then went to orio but we changed totally now to tilly and flossy... but could change again, it's hard isn't it! !

Yes, it's really hard getting the perfect names! I think I'm sticking with Biscuit and Brownie. Because if I don't I'll never settle on one! You have picked two great names so you turned out lucky!
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