what will i see if my 2 girls are not bonding?
the younger one that has been introduced never sleeps in the pig loo with the other but curls up alone outside
they dont fight abd the do squeek when one or theother is picked up for a cuddle
and both seem really timid
i am sure you are al going to tell me this is normal, give it time etc etc
but can i do anything to help the situation
My male that was taken from the older female has his own cage next to the girls
and he spends time in an adjoining run so they all see each other and the all seem very happy like that
its just sad to see ickle Sophie left out on her own at bed time
the younger one that has been introduced never sleeps in the pig loo with the other but curls up alone outside
they dont fight abd the do squeek when one or theother is picked up for a cuddle
and both seem really timid
i am sure you are al going to tell me this is normal, give it time etc etc
but can i do anything to help the situation
My male that was taken from the older female has his own cage next to the girls
and he spends time in an adjoining run so they all see each other and the all seem very happy like that
its just sad to see ickle Sophie left out on her own at bed time