How Do I Introduce Them? And What Should I Call Him?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
Northampton, Northamptonshire
As some of you know, I lost poor pudding when we had the heat wave =(

since then igg (his brother) has been calling out for him quite often. Today I made the decision to get another guinea pig to hopefully be a friend to igg.

Iggs hutch is very big so I separated it so they could still see, smell and talk to each others. They appeared to get on well but I have brought my new guy in and put him in a different cage over night. This is because I am not with them and don't want to wake up tomorrow and see they have been fighting or anything.

So now I'm asking the question, how would you go about I troducing them to each other?
Iv cleaned the cage so it doesn't smell like either of them. What else can I do?

Also my new little guy doesn't have a name yet. And I'm trying to come up with something unique for him.
Hi! I had 2 pigs who lived in cages in my room side by side for 2 years until one of them my baby, Harry died suddenly. After this my other pig, Betty missed him terribly and became very depressed and withdrawn . I moved another of my pigs , Hilary , whom previously Betty had never got along with into the place where Harry used to live and within a couple of days Betty perked back up. Sadly Betty can be quite aggressive so she's never been able to share a cage with another pig.
Put them in a neutral area with food/hay to distract them and see how it goes :) You'll see rumble strutting, humping etc. hopefully they'll get on unlike the two I adopted, got them back here and the fell out and started fighting, we had to split them, one has a new friend and one's being neutered so he can go in with the sows :)

There's some bonding threads here
Thank you, unfortunately it won't let me upload a picture of him. But we put them in the bath with a towel lad on the bottom but no water. Then put cucumber in the middle. I don't no why I worried because they get on so well. Igg has become very boar looking (I no he is male) I no it sounds silly buy he does look more boar shaped now. Previously he still looked like a baby guinea pig. My other guinea is now called chip. They are both doing great now =)
I had 2 guinea pigs called pudding and bumble and when bumble sadly died pudding really missed him so we bought another guinea pig which was a similar age. :nod:
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