How come lofts don’t ‘add’ to floor space?

Cambridge Piggles

Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 15, 2024
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As the title says I’m curious about this? I have a 5x2 c&c for my two females but want to give them more space . Is a loft with a ramp with raised sides a good idea? I just want as much enrichment for them as possible!
It doesn’t count because piggies don’t climb. They are ground roaming animals and need a large flat space.

You absolutely can add a loft but whether they use it is very piggy dependent - some will, some won’t. Or like my two eldest, when I converted them to a c&c, will use it for a week and then never set foot up there again (I now only ever use single level hutches).

A 4x2 is recommended size for two sows so you are already giving them more than enough.
In terms of adding space, it is only ever going out in a single level which does that.

Enrichment is keeping their minds occupied - boxes, tunnels, foraging but actually for them it is the ability to interact with another piggy (sight, sound, scent) more than anything else
It doesn’t count because piggies don’t climb. They are ground roaming animals and need a large flat space.

You absolutely can add a loft but whether they use it is very piggy dependent - some will, some won’t. Or like my two eldest, when I converted them to a c&c, will use it for a week and then never set foot up there again (I now only ever use single level hutches).

A 4x2 is recommended size for two sows so you are already giving them more than enough.

Enrichment is keeping their minds occupied - boxes, tunnels, foraging but actually for them it is the ability to interact with another piggy (sight, sound, scent) more than anything else
I probably won’t bother shelling out the money unless I make an impulse buy after two glasses of wine on an empty stomach 😂 thanks for advice! I’m hiding their pellets and have bought them forage so hopefully they are well stimulated!
Morning from what I've previously read a loft can count as more space but not towards advised cage size because the recommendation is based on how far your guineas can run in a line so a loft doesn't count but if your girls have enough space on the ground floor a SAFE loft can provide them with some enrichment as you say the ramp needs to have sides and not be too steep and if your guineas sometimes fall out you have to make sure that neither of them can get cornered up the loft! Also think I read that you have to be careful it doesn't cause a new territory war if one sees it as their space 🌈
Morning from what I've previously read a loft can count as more space but not towards advised cage size because the recommendation is based on how far your guineas can run in a line so a loft doesn't count but if your girls have enough space on the ground floor a SAFE loft can provide them with some enrichment as you say the ramp needs to have sides and not be too steep and if your guineas sometimes fall out you have to make sure that neither of them can get cornered up the loft! Also think I read that you have to be careful it doesn't cause a new territory war if one sees it as their space 🌈
Yeah I don’t want another falling out! They seem currently very happy together and snooze side-by-side which is nice to see :)
Yeah I don’t want another falling out! They seem currently very happy together and snooze side-by-side which is nice to see :)
So cute I would leave it then and focus on more fun and excitement for them to keep them busy, hay in cardboard tubes, cut down the side of the tube first though, hanging foods along a washing line type string so they have to reach up to get it, hiding food/hay in egg boxes or similar so they have to lift the lid to get food, putting treats under small boxes so they have to flip them over, larger boxes filled with hay so they can 'tunnel and forage' for food etc or even simple puzzle feeders🌈🌈
So cute I would leave it then and focus on more fun and excitement for them to keep them busy, hay in cardboard tubes, cut down the side of the tube first though, hanging foods along a washing line type string so they have to reach up to get it, hiding food/hay in egg boxes or similar so they have to lift the lid to get food, putting treats under small boxes so they have to flip them over, larger boxes filled with hay so they can 'tunnel and forage' for food etc or even simple puzzle feeders🌈🌈
I’m a bit nervous about cardboard tubes as my previous males got their heads stuck!
I’m a bit nervous about cardboard tubes as my previous males got their heads stuck!

Don’t mean in toilet roll tubes?
If so, then they need to cut lengthways before being filled with hay so they can’t get their heads through them.

To be honest, I used them once and they didn’t find them that interesting. The most fun mine have is with just big piles of hay
Don’t mean in toilet roll tubes?
If so, then they need to cut lengthways before being filled with hay so they can’t get their heads through them.

To be honest, I used them once and they didn’t find them that interesting. The most fun mine have is with just big piles of hay
I had toilet roll tubes and they got stuck! I was doing it supervised so I caught it happening. Great pro tip! You’re so full of knowledge !
As said already a loft area a is a form of enrichment some piggies like to use but not essential.
However, when considering the total minimum space required for a given number of piggies, split levels don't count because the pigs need to feel comfortable and not over crowded when on one level together. It is like if you think of a bunk bed for two people wanting to share, a single bunk is not big enough for them together so they will need a double bed instead.
If you do at some point decide on a loft, be aware that some piggies ( both of mine) like to get half way down the ramp and then jump off! Even the sides don't always stop this happening......I got used to it eventually!