How cold is too cold to go out in the run?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 31, 2021
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At what temperature should guinea pigs not go out into the run? Obviously I want them to be getting enough exercise but I'm just wondering when the run will need to be moved inside the shed rather than on the grass. They have lots of hideys etc in their run. These are my first piggies as an adult in my own home so any advice welcome.
Hi, I wouldn’t put put them out now as the ground is too damp and cold. Are they indoor piggies or outdoor piggies? Mine are indoors and won’t be going out again now until at least next Spring
Hi, I wouldn’t put put them out now as the ground is too damp and cold. Are they indoor piggies or outdoor piggies? Mine are indoors and won’t be going out again now until at least next Spring
Mine are outdoor so there wouldn't be as much of a temperature shock I guess as there would be with indoor ones
Mine had their last day out on Sunday when it was sunny and warm. We've had continuous rain since then so the ground won't dry out again now even if we get a couple of warm days.
Mine live outside (shed) and have the occasional day on the lawn still (still getting some rather sunny days!) but they generally aren’t able to go until lunch time as the grass is damp in the mornings and taking longer to dry. They also aren’t staying out for long now. Looking at the weather report for my area though, I think this sunday will be their last opportunity for lawn time.
Best way to check is stand on the ground yourself with bare feet. If you can stand on the grass with bare feet for five minutes without feeling cold or damp, then the piggies will be ok for some lawn time.
How would you suggest keeping them active over winter? Obviously I don't want to bring them inside for exercise as that will be temperature shock when they go back outside. I'm thinking maybe setting up the run in our car port (we don't have a car so no fumes etc) or shed. These would be same/similar temperature to outside. Just don't want them to be stuck in their hutch 24/7 over winter and get bored and not have much exercise.
Run in the shed sounds good
It certainly works for me but my two do live in the shed. On cold days they don’t come out (they choose to sit in their beds usually) but they are given the choice!

(To clarify, they aren’t out when it is too too cold - if I can’t maintain their temperature above 12 in the shed then they are brought in the house for the rest of winter)
Mine live inside by the back door but can go out for a bit if they want - since the rain they've not wanted to at all. Even when the sun came through and dried the path Flora ventured out for a couple of metres and then just came back in again. It's been proper coat weather here today though.
Try those snuggle-safe heatpads... if they cling to those you'll know they're feeling the chill. Louise has been stuck like a limpet to one for the last two days!
I got by if too hot / cold for me, it’s too hot / cold for them. That’s generally between the 17C to 22C range, providing there’s not chilly wind.

You also need to make sure the ground isn’t damp. If you run your hand across the grass and it feels wet it’s too damp for them.

My guys will be inside now until next summer. Although I will still cut them grass and forage to enjoy from the comfort of their heated, indoor palace 😁