Senior Guinea Pig
I was just wondering this because if I tell my two off for chewing the divider etc.. I say something like "george no" and he looks at me and carries on. On average I say this 2/3 times in a row then he will look at me and walk off to do something else.
Is this normal or do I have a clever piggie? Tiger seems to do it to but not to the extent that george does.
Would they understand what naughty is? Is there anyway of letting them know not to do something again?
This however does not work when they are rumbling they just ignore me
Is this normal or do I have a clever piggie? Tiger seems to do it to but not to the extent that george does.
Would they understand what naughty is? Is there anyway of letting them know not to do something again?
This however does not work when they are rumbling they just ignore me