How can I juggle the needs of my animals?


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
East Midlands
Hi guys,

Just lately my cat Koda has been behaving really naughtily, he’s weed, Pood and vomited (not really his fault but unpleasant) on our bed, he scratches us in the process (which is happening in the middle of the night), jumps on us from the headboard and generally behaves very annoyingly during the night.

Because our rabbit has to live inside now, due to health problems, she is living in the living room. So during the night and while we are out at work the living room door is closed.

Now, because he has been peeing on the bed, the mattress/duvet/sheets/pillows and such we also have had to close the bedroom door to protect the bed. So poor Koda is stuck in the hallway all night and while we are at work.

I feel awful about this, he is obvious struggling with stress and this is making it worse, but by behaving so badly he is making it hard to let him in the bedroom at night and during the day.

I’ve tried everything I can think of to rejig the living arrangements,
Our rabbit can’t move to the bed room which is the obvious solution, there isn’t enough space.
The animal room is full. So either we reduce everyone’s space which isn’t really fair to the rabbits or GP’s. Or the living room door is closed...
We’ve just tried to reduce Floppsy space and add a lid to her cage but it just doesn’t feel safe enough to protect her from cat attacks while we are out.

So now we are thinking we will have to live with him peeing on the bed till we can stop him doing it but he’s relentless.
Does anyone have any ideas? Any tricks to stop him peeing on the bed?

How do you juggle everyone’s needs?

I’m thinking of putting a plastic sheet like those children who wet the bed use to protect the mattress during the night and the whole bed during the day so they can use the bedroom at night and during the day 😥
I’m at my wits end here.
My mums solition was To rehome some of my animals but that feels wrong, like I’m giving up on them, there must be a solution 🤨🤨🤨
Has he had a full exam by a vet?
I only ask as this sudden change in behaviour could be related to something like a UTI.
Yes I would get the plastic sheet as a matter of urgency just to save your sanity! That's a practical thing you can do straight away while you think out the longer-term stuff.
I have cats and agree that it’s maybe worth a vet check to why your cat is suddenly doing this.

I’m the meantime, you could try covering your bed with a large plastic sheet such as tarpaulin
He went to the vets last month when it all started, They said he’s allergic to flea bites, they’ve given us prescription flea treatment now,
it turns out he’s allergic to gluten too so we’ve swapped his food out too.

My Poor boy.😭

We let him on the bed room last night and he didn’t pee on the bed, we’d set up a chair so he could climb up it and look out the window, that seemed to help, and while I’m out at work I’ve propped the mattress up so he can’t sit on it, we will see if he’s behaved while we are out.
It’s awful, he must be so upset because all we seem to do is get angry with him at the moment when he wants us to help him feel better. 😥😥
Have you thought about trying a Feliway diffuser? You can get Bachs rescue remedy that may also help relieve stress. My boy is a nightmare with stress, it causes him to develop struvite crystals in his urine, so when we're having people over, theres a storm, or any other sort of stressful event, we set up his own 'bedroom' area where no one is allowed to bother him, it's nice and quiet and dark, if he pees in it everything can be wiped or thrown in the washing machine etc. and his favourite bed and toys go in there as well. May be something like that would help? It doesnt have to be huge, we use a dog crate.
I like the idea of a cat cave, I’ve got them those cat tents before but they don’t bother with them maybe somethinb bigger would be better,

We had a feliway last month and it didn’t help :/
Have you tried just putting a cardboard box in your room, big enough for your cat to go in. If I have a cardboard box in my room my cat sits in it 24/7, also if your cat pees in it you can just throw it away