How Can I Help My Piggie?

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New Born Pup
Feb 19, 2014
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Hi I have just joined the forum but my son has had 2 piggies for over 3 years and on Monday we sadly had to have Belle put down as she had a burst cyst on her ovaries.
I know you shouldn`t have a guinea pig on their own but I cannot get another one as we will never break the cycle of having them (they are my sons) and soon he will be off doing his own thing.
So I have bought a soft toy to put in Belle`s bed so it looks like she is in there......we have put a large photo on Belle in the cage plus we get Trixie out about 3 times a day for cuddles. Plus we bring her in at night

My heart breaks for her but I really can`t get another one.
Do you have any suggestions or am I doing enough/the right thing at the moment.
I would appreciate any comments
I'm sorry to hear about Belle =( My Pecan is currently getting treated for ovarian cysts (she's a right stroppy mare at the moment)

Your piggie would be better off with a friend but having a toy inside the cage with her will help. Just be sure to check it over if shes a chewer. A mirror might help as well so atleast she can see another piggie and the bed will smell of Belle so will help with any pining if Trixie is mourning

If you're not able to get another piggie the extra attention is good so atleast she's not getting lonely. Plenty of toys like paper bags stuffed with hay and bog roll stuffed too so she's distracted.
Thank you..... I am feeling guilty about not getting another piggy but as I said before I would never break the cycle as I would always be replacing! and as I am getting older I seem to be getting more emotional and I can`t stand the pain when I lose one..... I am a wreck at the moment...but at the same time I couldn`t bear Trixie to suffer ( Trixie is the brown one in the picture). She was the more dominant girlie at the the moment she doesn`t seem to be mourning.....she is eating ok and was always fairly quiet although she does now make chirping sounds when we hold her so I don`t know if that's good or bad :(
Thank you........
more like a lower tone than a bird but it goes on constant?

She will do it if I pick her up and bring her indoors and while I am stroking her but if I just leave her on my lap with a towel for her to hide in, she then goes quiet
I will listen tomorrow and get back to you...thanks for chatting
My boys "chirp" but not like a bird, when they are being stroked. It means they like the stroking. If they don't they brrrrr instead & butt my hand or move away.
Hi! I am very sorry for your loss and your quandary.

If you are in Britain and within reach of one of our recommended rescues (see rescue locator on the top bar), you could consider having her bonded under expert supervision at the rescue with a same age or older sow, so you won't be starting a new cycle. You could also ask whether the rescue would be prepared to take their sow back when Belle dies. It may take some ringing around and perhaps some travelling, but rescues usually have adult sows looking for homes, too! ;)
I'm really sorry for your loss. Have you considered a similar age piggy from a rescue. There are lots at rescues all around the country at present. If you had 2 similar aged piggies they'd be able to grow old together.
Thank you for your comments at the moment Trixie seems to be doing ok she was actually jumping in her cage yesterday. She has constant attention as my son does shift work so if he`s watching tv she`ll be snug in his lap and when he`s not here I give here cuddles. I think the chirping is a good sign and I have discovered that she loves a tickle under the chin BUT since yesterday afternoon I have noticed she does a snuffly grinding sound? (best way I can describe it , sorry) she can do this with the chirping sound or on its own...whether she is in the cage or not (chirping is only when I sroke her) but suddenly she can also stop it as well and either be silent or just chirping, should I be worried?

I would be grateful for any advise
I dont know about the noise but i also think it would be worth ringing rescues to see if anyone had an elderly sow to bond sith her. If you explain the situation you should be able to find one. But it sounds like she is getting lots of attention so thats good.

This is the kind of situation where we need that "renta pig" scheme that Weibke was telling us about!
It is difficult to say what the sound is from your description. If you are worried that it is something to do with her breathing, then it is best to have her checked over by a vet.

Good that you are giving her lots of attention; she will enjoy that.
Hi All

Thank you for all your comments.......well the latest update is the funny noises have stopped! She only does the little chirping sound now when I hold her.

She spends a little time in the outside cage where she plays with the soft toy I put in.......she has time in her indoor cage and lots of cuddles and also today the new soft toy guinea pig came and looks so much Belle its during the day I put it by the food so it looks like "its" eating and at night I put in in Belle`s bed.......Trixie seems quite contented, we have bought a little dog bed which she sits in and my son puts it on the table while he is on the computer!....when she wants a tickle she comes nearer Brad and sticks her chin up which is funny.
She is definitely communicating with us more.....but seems contented and that's all we can ask for........

Thanks Again x
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