How Can I Get My Piggie To Like Me More?

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Laurel Hallman

New Born Pup
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
United States
I've had my current guinea pig for four months and he still runs when I try to pick him up. What can I do to make him bond with me more?
Guinea pigs are prey animals by nature and so there is a good chance they will always run away when they are being picked up. A good way to catch them is to herd them into a cosy pocket or box of some description. You can also try feeding him by hand firstly in the cage as this will help build his trust in you and make him realise you're not a threat. Also build cuddle time up gradually beginning with shorter cuddles and gradually increasing the length of cuddles, it's also good to talk to him lots so he gets to know your voice and to feel safe with you.

Finally, if it's an option, finding him a suitably matched piggy friend will greatly increase is feelings of security. Guinea pigs are sociable, herd animals who benefit from being with at least one other of their own kind - this helps them to feel secure and safe when, particularly at times of stress.

I know it may be difficult to find one in the U.S. but a good rescue will help you find a good character matched piggy friend for your boy. There is lots of advice on the forum regarding the bonding of piggies if this is something you'd like to explore further.
As has already been said, piggies are pre animals and they naturally run from larger animals and humans no matter how tame once they are picked up.

Try using a cosy or tube to pick them up, get down on their level so you are not towering over them as that is particularly scary for a piggy. Keep talking to them in a clam, quiet voice so they know you're there and not threatening. Spend time just sitting by the cage and getting them used to your presence. Hand feeding encourages a piggy to build trust too. it all takes a ot of time and patience but it's worth it in the end.

As mentioned already, piggies tend to be more confident when they have others of their own kind around. They are naturally social animals and no matter how much love we give them it's not the same as having another piggy for company. US animals shelters and rescues can be quite different from here in the UK and many will not bond two males but some will. It is possible for most piggies to find a same sex friend they like with some patience but it has to be the piggies choice of friend, they don't look for the same things in a cage mate that we would, colour, coat type etc mean nothing to them, it's all about compatible personalities. It's also possible to get your guy neutered so he could find a female friend. Try looking at our bonding section for advice.
Great advice from @Nicola_ and @MerryPip. Some piggies never like being picked up. One of mine still shrieks as if I am killing her and runs away when I go to pick her up and she's lived with me for 3 years. However, once picked up she is extremely calm and settles down on my lap. My other one waits patiently to be picked up. So they are all different. Bribery with their favourite veggies or herbs also help!
Great advice from @Nicola_ and @MerryPip. Some piggies never like being picked up. One of mine still shrieks as if I am killing her and runs away when I go to pick her up and she's lived with me for 3 years. However, once picked up she is extremely calm and settles down on my lap. My other one waits patiently to be picked up. So they are all different. Bribery with their favourite veggies or herbs also help!
Very true Vicki, some of them never like being picked up and some will never be lap pigs but as far as my experience goes, the more time you spend and the more patience you have with them the better the result. My foster pig was supposedly untameable but after two weeks of patience and TLC will sit on our laps and watch TV, will let us brush out his long hair and loves a cuddle.

Don't give up on him, bribery in the form of favourite veggies always helps and more time = more love.
It took a while for my guineas to get used to me but after hand feeding and talking to them in a calm soft voice they started to approach me without me even acknowledging them!
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