How Big A Run?

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New Born Pup
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
(v.) NW England
Apologies if this is answered elsewhere, and I suspect the answer is "as big as possible" but how large a run is acceptable?

I've taken on two piggies from a friend who didn't come with a run so I need to get one. We have a very sloping garden so I don't know if a massive run us doable.

Would 15 sq ft be sufficient for 2 young sows?
That will be ample! Please make sure that any outdoors run has got a sunprotected area (and not just plastic pigloos) and is safe against cats, dogs, foxes, birds of prey etc. Dog is poisonous, so they should not share the same area.
Dog is poisonous?

How long would one have to wait after a dog to let them be on the grass? And what about them is bad? And why. Sorry for all the ?
A run should ideally be twice as big as the cage or hutch or as big as possible! Your run sounds fine!:)
I think @Wiebke meant to say dog urine is poisonous.

Ingesting fresh dog (or fox) urine can kill a guinea pig. If you have a dog, it is advisable to fence off a big enough area for the piggies where you can shift them around in order to give the grass a chance to regrow.
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