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How bad is this scab and what can I do before I can get to the vet?


New Born Pup
Jun 6, 2024
Reaction score
This one of my pigs has sebaceous cyst that I was wanting to remove but I just noticed a huge scab in place where it was last drained, I can get to the vet tommorow but I'm not sure if they'll take me in, they said to be on monday if I don't have a scheduled meeting. I feel so bad for not noticing this later, it was covered by fur and I saw some specks of blood on their blankets for a time but thought maybe it's red pee from heat. :( Now I'm sure it's the scabs fault and I'm scared if its infected or something


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This one of my pigs has sebaceous cyst that I was wanting to remove but I just noticed a huge scab in place where it was last drained, I can get to the vet tommorow but I'm not sure if they'll take me in, they said to be on monday if I don't have a scheduled meeting. I feel so bad for not noticing this later, it was covered by fur and I saw some specks of blood on their blankets for a time but thought maybe it's red pee from heat. :( Now I'm sure it's the scabs fault and I'm scared if its infected or something

Hi and welcome

You can gently disinfect with homemade saline solution if you are worried. The cyst may likely need operative removal.

The recipe for saline is in our first aid kit guide: