How awful

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I can't read it. I read the headline and that has upset me way too much. :'( :'( I know. I'm a total coward. Poor bunny :'(
oh god no,I hope they find them and do the same,skin the little s$$ts alive
:o! Thats one big bunny!
Poor thing! Stupid people! What the he*l is the point of that! >:( that makes me so upset!
That is so sad, that poor bunny. I hope the people that do that get attacked by wild bunnies and die slowly and painfully. RIP Bunny :'(

Why do they do it? I really try & 'understand' the motives of these people. Now if it was a dog (and I am in NO WAY condoning killing a dog) I would think that if they were out to steal/gain something from the property & the dog was stopping them do it then I can see why. But a rabbit for sake.......
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