How am i doing?


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
This evening I sat in the run with my piggies and let them sniff around me. Blossom did little zoomies and had a clean in front of me. Pompom had a little skip about and nibbled my feet lol not hard just to explore I think. I did give pompom a cuddle on my lap although she seemed to want to sit on my shoulder... I stroked her head but she made a low noise and I don't know whether It was an angry noise? I didn't hold her long before putting her back in her cage for some veg. What does the noise mean? Any ideas?

Blossom is very confident and noisy! Doesn't like being picked up so I'm trying to get her in a tunnel to pick her up mostly .

I'm hoping I'm doing OK with them?
You sound like your doing well! They didn't run or hide from you, and they explored around you, and you even had one try to sit on your shoulder (I have 2 piggies that insist on sitting on my shoulder during lap time, one watches TV with me like a parrot and the other, nuzzles my neck and ear and hides in my hair!) All good signs I think! Was the noise like a little rumble? Sometimes it's a happy noise, sometimes it's a get away from me noise with my piggies. Depends on the context! I don't think it was an angry noise, she might have just enjoyed the new sensation? They are getting to know you too and maybe she was just giving an approval noise. If it happened to me in your shoes, I wouldn't think they were unhappy, if you really made her unhappy she may have tried to bite you or run from you as she got spooked. It doesn't sound that way to me.

You would definitely know an uncomfortable or unhappy piggie, they are not shy with expressing their feelings! Keep up the good progress, you seem like you are really trying to be the best owner you can be and they are lucky to have such a caring and thoughtful owner!

I think there is a guide somewhere in this forum, it explains guinea pig behaviours and how to best communicate with them too. I will look for it and try to post it for you!
This evening I sat in the run with my piggies and let them sniff around me. Blossom did little zoomies and had a clean in front of me. Pompom had a little skip about and nibbled my feet lol not hard just to explore I think. I did give pompom a cuddle on my lap although she seemed to want to sit on my shoulder... I stroked her head but she made a low noise and I don't know whether It was an angry noise? I didn't hold her long before putting her back in her cage for some veg. What does the noise mean? Any ideas?

Blossom is very confident and noisy! Doesn't like being picked up so I'm trying to get her in a tunnel to pick her up mostly .

I'm hoping I'm doing OK with them?

Your piggies are totally relaxed around you and showing happy, friendly interactive (piggy washes) and normal explorative behaviours around. Feel cherished - that is everything you want to see when interacting with your piggies!

A low growling sounds means 'I don't like that'. It is the mildest form of protest.
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics (social interactive behaviours in context)
'Popcorning' (jumping) and 'zooming' (running) - joy and exuberance (videos)
Enrichment Ideas for Guinea Pigs
Ah ok. Maybe I'll leave off the stroking then. I'll try the accidentally 'oops my hand brushed past you' thing in the guide. Still getting used to understanding their language but it's fun.
I never knew guinea pigs had such characters! It's great 👍
You might not have to lay off stroking entirely maybe just not in that place different piggies like different pets my Spud loves being pet but he'll grumble if I get to close to his butt and he'll nip me if I try any sort of under the chin pets while Gundam could give or take most pets but loves a good chin rub
Dexter likes a chin rub but he won’t let me touch him anywhere else. Popcorn likes a head stroke but won’t be touched anywhere else (but it took years to get to that point with him)