Housing ideas please


New Born Pup
Jan 22, 2020
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Hi, long time no see on this forum! I have eight piggies and was hoping someone might have a good idea for my current housing conundrum.

Piggies used to live in C&C cages at our old house and I loved these. At our new house, they are living in hutches (still indoors) up on the landing - it’s a great spot for them with loads of natural light and lots of human company. But I’m not a great fan of the hutches. The doors are fiddly and I’m used to being able to interact with them more in the C&C cages. They’re harder to clean out too. I’m worried they’re not getting as good airflow as they used to.

I’d love to just convert them back to C&C, and the space would work well - it’s a long gap so there’s enough space for a 2x11/12 cage and I’d probably do two levels. I’m happy with setting that all up. But the worry is whether it would be sturdy enough given that we have two large dogs - that was the reason for the initial switch to hutches. Now the dogs only live downstairs, and there is a baby gate at the bottom which prevents them from coming up. It’s always been this way and we’ve never had an issue with them coming up. But I’m worried - what if they did for some reason manage to get through/over the gate? I’m sure they wouldn’t do anything to the piggies, but you can never be too careful.

So I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for more open indoor type cages which are relatively dog-proof - not for routine dog exposure, just on the off chance that one of them decided to go walkies.

Thanks all for your help - you’re the best :love:
Any open topped cage is going to be a risk. I suppose a c&c style but wooden framed and Perspex sided (front side Perspex, three sides solid wood) cage raised off the ground beyond dog height might offer a little bit more protection and be more stable but obviously its still not safe.
If there is any chance the dogs could cause a problem then enclosed cages and hutches offer the most protection.
Could you make a roof for the cage that can be left open when you are there, and fixed shut when you're not?