Forum Donator 2023/24
Not sure if this section is the right one or if the housing one would be better.
So, the vet has decided my pig's eye needs to be removed due to eyelid paralysis, unending infection, and it is recessed. We have been at this since Feburary. We even did a bacteria culture which came back negative for antibiotic resistent bacteria, and only had bacteria that should have been handled by standard meds. I am saving up for surgery (1200 usd), and by next month I should be able to get it scheduled. Before then, I want to prepare for the aftercare. I'm very scared of the surgery and complications, so I want to get this set up first.
The surgery pig and his brother live in a 2x4 c&c cage. They get along incredibly well and never bicker, argue, or do anything aside from just a bit of rumblestrutting. I DREAD them being alone during and after the surgery. The vet will not allow them to come together for the surgery. I want to keep them in the c&c during recovery.
How much space does a recovering pig need? Should I half the cage, or do less? I figured a plastic laundry basket with holes on the side would be easy, as I'm going to need one anyway for transporting to the vet - they are requesting I bring him w/ food, water bottle, etc. Or should I just get some extra grids and section off the cage?
What kind of hide should I use? This pig is already blind, so the loss of an eye is not going to make a difference in vision. I'm more worried about him poking the surgical area. Is the normal plastic house okay, or should I find something made of fleece?
My estimate for surgery already includes critical care, pain meds, and an antibiotic, so we're okay on the medication part.
I have read the surgery aftercare faqs, already...mainly just don't want my boys to be alone during recovery.
So, the vet has decided my pig's eye needs to be removed due to eyelid paralysis, unending infection, and it is recessed. We have been at this since Feburary. We even did a bacteria culture which came back negative for antibiotic resistent bacteria, and only had bacteria that should have been handled by standard meds. I am saving up for surgery (1200 usd), and by next month I should be able to get it scheduled. Before then, I want to prepare for the aftercare. I'm very scared of the surgery and complications, so I want to get this set up first.
The surgery pig and his brother live in a 2x4 c&c cage. They get along incredibly well and never bicker, argue, or do anything aside from just a bit of rumblestrutting. I DREAD them being alone during and after the surgery. The vet will not allow them to come together for the surgery. I want to keep them in the c&c during recovery.
How much space does a recovering pig need? Should I half the cage, or do less? I figured a plastic laundry basket with holes on the side would be easy, as I'm going to need one anyway for transporting to the vet - they are requesting I bring him w/ food, water bottle, etc. Or should I just get some extra grids and section off the cage?
What kind of hide should I use? This pig is already blind, so the loss of an eye is not going to make a difference in vision. I'm more worried about him poking the surgical area. Is the normal plastic house okay, or should I find something made of fleece?
My estimate for surgery already includes critical care, pain meds, and an antibiotic, so we're okay on the medication part.
I have read the surgery aftercare faqs, already...mainly just don't want my boys to be alone during recovery.