Housecleaning All Done For Today

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 2, 2015
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Not sure which of my piggies had the party last night, but there was hay all over their kitchen this morning! Of course, both looked innocent during the interrogation and no one admitted anything. Not a problem; their house is all put back with fresh fleece, water, and kibble ... sans hay on the floor! Here are the before and after pictures!
image.webp image.webp
They never jump out, unless we encourage it (which we don't very often) but they always jump back in. So after floor time, they just go home. It's handy.
That's brilliant I love recyling and seeing people put up pictures of home made enclosures. Is it a cardboard box? Or wood?
It's lined with plastic, then a waterproof barrier and then a layer of chucks (blue hospital pads). We use enough layers of terry cloth and flannel and cotton with fleece on top to prevent the chucks from needing to be changed very often. It's in our living room so the piggies are with company all the time. Here is my view from the lazy boy where I a.m. enjoying my FIRST coffee of the day (this time change has wrecked my Sunday, haha. It's already 11:30!)
Mr. Lily is enjoying my apple core.
OK, going to try this one. I want to figure out which link to use so you can stay in the forum and not jump to Photobucket to view the video... Let's see what this one does...
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
Here is a video of Mr. Lily running home. I hope this works!
This is the IMG option. I guess it's the best one if using Photobucket to upload videos. Any other advice on uploading would be welcome:) I've already followed @sport_billy 's advice on How to Post Photos which also contained photobucket help from @BossHogg .
OK, now I'm just procrastinating getting ANYTHING done today and uploaded another video instead! Here is 16 seconds of lazy Tyreese being dug out of his burrow (under the floor boards, as we call it when they burrow under fleece that is SUPPOSE to be the floor of their box!). Silly piggy. They just love to be one, two or THREE layers down!

I'm off to get some work done!
Thanks for those videos and photos! Little beauties :love:

There ain't no party like a piggy party
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