Hi , i was just wondering out of my 2 Dora seems to be the out going one, pushes Loula out of the way and all i seem to see is Loula just accepting it , Ive just put them a box in there for something different to play around and they both had a nosy in it but every time i go to baby talk them lol or I'm near the cage, Dora is not in the box but asleep curled up at the side (and not in their house either) Is it because something is going off and I'm missing it or is it that she just doesnt like it? But i dont understand why she isnt in her house either? She looks kinda sorry for herself.
So i dont know quite what todo, it seems to be causing misery when i wanted it to be something new theyd both love.
Hope i dont sound too thick

Hope i dont sound too thick