Hot Water Bottle?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 7, 2016
Reaction score
Nottinghamshire, UK
I have a normal human hot water bottle made of rubbery plastic- would this be okay to put in the hutch at night for the piggies, and if so what should i cover it with to prevent them from burning themselves? Would it evapourate, freeze or cause dampness?
I would wrap it in a thick towel and make sure it isn't too hot.
The heat won't last for more than a few hours though, which means it will be cold by the coldest part of the night (unless you go to bed at 1am).
On the plus side I don't think it will freeze or cause dampness unless you are somewhere really, really cold!
I know a lot of members have had success with snugglesafe heat pads, which stay hot for longer, so if your piggies need some heat at night maybe try and get hold of one of those.
That was my original plan, but my parents refuse. They think I'm ridiculous for even trying. It is a pretty good thing, tends to stay warm for awhile so I guess i'll try it out tonigt and see how it goes. They have alot of hay to snuggle in too so hopefully all will be safe. Thanks for your help!
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