Horsewear Wash Bag - A Problem.

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Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
Zürich, Switzerland
I use fleece in both of my C&C's and I love it.
I also love my Horsewear wash bag, which protects my wonderful washing machine.

A few months back my wash bag came out of the machine with quite a big tear in it.
I figured it was one of those things, repaired the bag, and didn't think any more of it.

Tonight my wash bag came out of the machine looking like this!
IMG_6563.webp IMG_6564.webp

I am clearly doing something wrong, but I don't know what.
Has anyone else had this problem?

I am always careful not to overfill the bag (size jumbo) but have been using it on a 1400 rpm spin. Could this be the problem?

I don't think it is my machine - it doesn't usually eat stuff.
The bag was about 8 months old and is now in the bin.
Oh dear. I wonder if it's the spin speed and temp combined. Mine came with an instruction to wash at 40 max. But I wash at 60. Mine is still going strong after at least 4 washes a week for the last year.
Is it just this wash bag? You've not had any problems with any other laundry ?

I'm really surprised - I wash my fleeces at 60 degrees ( agree with Vicki - the instructions on the wash bag say wash at 40 ) . I use the jumbo bags and often fill the machine too full . The only part of my wash bags that are suffering are the zips !
Gremlins .. they are inside your machine and they wanted some pretty fleece to go with their collection of odd socks

Thanks for diagnosing the problem @artcasper
I will get on to the washing machine company first thing and request an engineer visit :nod:
Does anyone know the German word for 'gremlins'? :))
My horsebag says 40 degrees but I was it at 60 too and using a 1400 spin cycle...been going ok since October.
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