Horrible News.

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 30, 2014
Reaction score
Sutton in Ashfield, UK.
Today we have lost two members of our furry family. Bunnies.

Tabby and Thomas. We think it was the cold weather and have been doing all we can too keep them warm throughout the winter. But now feel we haven't done enough :( Heartbroken isn't the word right now.

We are now left with two lone female bunnies who we are bringing inside. They aren't bonded together so have both lost their partner. Meaning they will have to both be housed alone for the time being. Luckily I had a spare 120cm cage from before I upgraded the pigs to C&C. But we still had to rush out to purchase another. Not ideal at all, I know, but they are just temporary cages until we can work something out. We are wanting to work on bunny proofing the room to allow some free ranging.

We haven't know what to do with ourselves all day and we have been trying to keep the remaining bunnies as happy as possible.

My sister and I had a pair and unfortuntely she lost her bunny of the pair, ive never seen her cry her little eyes out so much. And my mum lost one of her own pair and passed the remaining rabbit onto my sister so she still has one to care for.

As for the bunnies who have gone to the bridge, they are in my sisters room each wrapped up in a little towel in a box, ready to be buried tomorrow.

RIP Tabby and Thomas, you are missed so much already xx
I really am so very sorry to hear your sad news. I think the cold weather can be so dangerous. I am glad you have moved the others indoors and will think of having them as house rabbits. I really feel for your poor little sister. My heart goes out to you.
My sister is not a cryer at all. It takes a lot to make her cry.

All she would say is 'she can't be gone, she can't be'. Which is why she wants them in her room overnight. :(
Oh I'm so sorry for your family. Rabbits usually cope with the cold quite well, and they both had their mates to snuggle with so I'm surprised that they died. Do you think there could have another cause?

I'm so sorry for your little sister. Not sure on keeping their poor dead bodies in her room though, it would be better to put them somewhere cold especially if you have central heating in her room :(
Oh I'm so sorry for your family. Rabbits usually cope with the cold quite well, and they both had their mates to snuggle with so I'm surprised that they died. Do you think there could have another cause?

I'm so sorry for your little sister. Not sure on keeping their poor dead bodies in her room though, it would be better to put them somewhere cold especially if you have central heating in her room :(

We can only assume the cold, I was shocked to be honest, I've heard they cope with the cold well usually. They were all healthy so I don't think there was another cause, especially because both rabbits that passes were from different cages. But it was very cold last night.

My mum has asked her to remove them from her room, but she refuses :( I think she's trying to hold onto some sort of crazy miracle at the moment. But she's 16 and obviously old enough to know things like that don't happen, but it's breaking me heart to see her like that :(
I'm so sorry Abbie! I know you will have tried your hardest to keep them warm. RIP little ones.
Just do your best to keep the other two as warm as possible
So sorry Hun x
So sorry for your loss, I've got my radiator on full in the animal shed at the moment to keep it comfortable for them. ;)
heartbreaking :( maybe they both had something underlying which meant they couldn't cope as well with the cold. although i do know of two other rabbits who passed away from the cold. my brothers friends rabbits :(:(:( so sorry.

your sister might need time to just have them close by. i'm the same when any of mine go. x
I'm so sorry. It's so sad to lose a bunny :( especially two. If it helps, my rabbit lives outside year round in REALLY cold Canadian weather- often far below -10 celsius and she has never had any problems. I'm sure that it was something that you couldn't have prevented easily. I hope your other bunnies live long, happy bunny lives!
I really think that it was nothing you have to feel guilty about, as my rabbits until this one we have now have always lived outside in hutch/run combinations and none of them have ever frozen to death :( It was cold in Nottinghamshire that night but not excessively cold, there was no snow and the outside taps were still running so you cant beat yourself up over this.

It seems strange and I wonder if they had something underlying for them both to go on the same night, but I do hope your sister is feeling less distraught soon, its awful to loose animals and especially when you don't know what happened to them :(
I really think that it was nothing you have to feel guilty about, as my rabbits until this one we have now have always lived outside in hutch/run combinations and none of them have ever frozen to death :( It was cold in Nottinghamshire that night but not excessively cold, there was no snow and the outside taps were still running so you cant beat yourself up over this.

It seems strange and I wonder if they had something underlying for them both to go on the same night, but I do hope your sister is feeling less distraught soon, its awful to loose animals and especially when you don't know what happened to them :(

I just hope whatever did happen was quick and painless so they didn't suffer :( but they were both so happy and healthy which is what made us think of the cold.

I think one of the hardest parts is having to look after the friend, knowing that they are just as upset as you are. This is the only problem with having animal pairs aw :(
How are your female rabbits coping, @Abbie do you think there is any chance they can be bonded together?
I feel so sorry for you and your sister and your mum.

Last year some of my mum's doves froze to death in their aviary. She was so upset.
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