Hormonal Girls!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
Essex, UK
So, it appears Marble has quite a noticeable season. This results in rumblestrutting and chattering at Willow and some chasing and dominance (if you're on/in it, I'll push you off/away from it).

This is a) hilarious! This tiny fluffball is taking this quite seriously and b) pretty harmless as it hasn't gone any further, i.e. no biting/aggression, mounting (thank goodness!) or squeals of distress from Willow. In fact, quite the opposite! It's almost like Willow is provoking her! She'll sidle up closer when Marble's got a strut on and run away and back in a kind of 'chase me!' gesture! Is this normal? Or have I got one horny and one cheeky piggy? I've had four girls and never had one with such a pronounced season, it's all a bit of a novelty :))
That is not unusual at all for a strong season. Many sows never any noticeably seasons while with other girls you can;t miss them!

Pity me when one strongly seasonal triggers all the other sows near their season with her pheromones! I have ended up with 3 days nonstop carneval on occasion, with the poor husboars either running far behind sows trying to mount each other or being pursued and mounted themselves by randy girls... :yikes:
I'm glad that this seems to be normal (albeit hilarious to witness - who needs telly comedy shows when you can watch these two?!?), and I'm also relieved Willow doesn't seem to be being bullied, instead responding with a bit of cheeky flirting, the mare :))
The more I hear about Marble, the more she reminds me of my old guinea pig Oakley, bless her! :luv:
In the 3.5 months since Oreo arrived here, at least one of the girls has had had 2 really strong seasons and I agree - it is hilarious (in a slightly alarming way on one occasion).
The prancing, shrieking, and virtual hair flicking that goes on is worthy of an Oscar.
Eddi keeps well clear of all of the nonsense for 24 hours, and then it's all back to normal.
Thankfully it doesn't seem to be a regular occurrence :yikes:
I've had my piggies for 4 months though (they're about 5 months old) and every 2 weeks without fail it's blatantly obvious that one or both are in season. I'm not sure if it's only Patches that has such a pronounced season every time, or if they both do at the same time and that's why it is even more obvious. But it's like the Predator comes to our house twice a month with all the rumbling that goes on, and loads of bum swaying and other stuff. Only once have I seen Patches mount Nia though, but mounting aside her seasons are definitely very very obvious each and every time.
Okay, so yesterday we had some peace from this, this morning I check in and hear some chattering... and it's WILLOW rumblestrutting now! :roll:

Thank goodness we're getting a male fish soon, might even out all these hormones!
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