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Hooting noise but no URI


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 10, 2022
Reaction score
Yorkshire, UK
Hi our 4 year old sow Cookie is making this noise - video below. I took her to a vet who said her lungs sound fine but he did prescribe baytril for a week anyway.

After the very visit she seemed completely fine and wasnt making the noise again. Eating and other behavior seem normal and weight hasn't dropped.

Is there anything else could be making this noise?

It has happened 2 days in a row now but only in morning time. By the time I got her to the vet at lunchtime she wasnt making the sound anymore.

And now it's gone by the time I've sorted out the video and this post.

I'm reluctant to give her antibiotics unless she actually needs it so with the lungs sounding fine I was going to hold off given she seemed fine when we got home. Have had a piggie with a URI before so recognise the signs but this one is throwing me a bit.

Vet says she seems healthy otherwise. No other signs of issues.

It's just a local vet rather than exotics. Their idea would be treat for a URI for a week and if there is still an issue can go to an exotics.
