Honor And Haven

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Senior Guinea Pig
May 8, 2010
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Well today i decided after over a year i am going to try bonding Honor and Haven again.
I am off for the next few days so perfect timing...When i last tried intros i was very naieve and in experienced with behaviour and panicked quickly and kept separating. I also bonded in a small pen and not much room to hop about...
Since then i have been weighing up and down trying intros again and this week decided...why not?

Gave both girls a bath together as Honor needed a bath anyway, the bath was great. Cuddled together trying to avoid me and the water :P

I then dried the girls and put them on the floor, covered the floor with fleece and a few towels and they have been free ranging together.

For the first 20 mins i sat on the floor with them and watched. Since then i am now on my bed and watching them from across the room.

That was over 2 hours ago. Both girls are together and doing ok.

The odd bit of noise, Honor rumbled once about an hour ago but everything is ok so far.
Honor is sooo fascinated with Haven and keeps bum sniffing and keeps grooming/sniffing Havens ear. They occasionally go nose to nose, but quickly one walks off and backs away.

Both have eaten basil together, sat eating readygrass together.

As i speak they are sat maybe 6 inches from the other making chirpy quiet squeeky noises...

how would everyone say it was going?
I'm no expert but I have just 'bonded' my neutered boar Mali and our newbie girl Aspen.

All the behaviour sounds like what I experienced at the weekend but with Mali being a male he was 'chancing his luck' shall I say but Aspen is not interested in that so she gives him a gentle kick out the way or a head nudge to say stop it.

This is how I found them on Monday.... very sweet!


I thought it was going to be much more difficult than it was - I expected fights and jealousy but nothing too bad. I just told them they were now stuck with each other so get used to it. Couldn't split them up now.

That's just my experience though ..... let us know how it goes x x x
Awww! They seem quite happy together in my opinion! Fingers crossed for you and the lovelies!
Thanka everyone. Just looked at the time and ita been over 4 hours now :-) appart from the odd squeak and 2 chatters its all fairly calm :-) Honor is very intrested in Haven and is the most relaxed of the two. Haven has been quite unsure of thw whole thing. As i speak Honor is lying down looking rather chilled and Haven is hopping about making a chirpy noise...very quietly and also biting the bars on her cage...wanting to hop back inside. She always dose this during floor time ...think she likes being in her cage.
Excuse the mess of my room. I just pile everything up in the side of the room so they have the whole floor to hop about in.

I hope Honor and Haven do work out...but even if they wont live together...being able to enjoy floor time together will be nice. :-)
Both are currently tucking into some sliced greens and a bit of mixed lettuce....a couple of their faves. :) They are being spoiled rotten today :P
Thanks everyone. I just cleaned the floor...replaced the fleece and put puppypads underneath (as it was a big mucky before) and have clean fleece down and fresh hay.

What should i do over night? Shall I leave them together on my bedroom floor over night or is it safer/better to put them in their own cages over night? I wont be going to "sleep" until midnight ish as i am on holiday- so its a good few hours yet before i need to do anything. Also any other suggestions on how to keep the peace over night? They have been fine so far this evening and i am only sleeping a few feet away so am happy to try and keep them together over night if people think this will be OK?
Thanks :) I was 90 percent sure that's what was best.. i just needed re assurance. I am a little nervous as i need to pop out at 4 tomorrow for a couple of hours to see my grandma. So hopefully if all goes well tonight and tomorrow morning they will be ok to leave together? If in doubt i will separate... i just don't want to un-do all the good so far..
The acceptance has happened so they should be fine. They will mount and chase each other to establish a hierarchy but this is natural and nothing to worry about.
I'm really pleased they've accepted eachother again! It isn't often you hear of re-introductions working out so well, I bet they're loving it :) I just wish boars were easier to re-introduce! Congratulations :yahoo:
It sounds like it has all gone well, would have expected trouble by now if it were to happen. As long as they have 2 of everything available all should now be cool. Am so pleased the 2 H's are now firm buddies! Plus we have had tons of pigtures of them to :drool: over.
Thanks. Appart from the odd squeak its fairly calm. I have just done meds and now off to bed for me i think...i dont think it will be a sound sleep as i will jump every squeak i hear haha. They have two water bowls..2 dry food...2 tunnels ...2 cuddle cups and a few large mountians of hay. Night everyone....going to try and sleep :-P
What does the morning bring?
All ia fine. I stirred a few times to the odd "squeak". But nothing bad at all. Nice peaceful night. I woke up early to find the two of them in the same tunnel.
Haven is still a bit wary of Honor....but all is calm atm.
Honor is still asleep in the tunnel and Haven is asleep by my door across the room (so i cant leave my bedroom atm unless i move her- i dont have the heart to do that atm) lol.

All in all i am happy! :-)
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