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Honking sound?


New Born Pup
Dec 19, 2021
Reaction score
Every now and again my pig will make this honking sound for a bit, sneeze or cough and then stop. I have spoken to vets about this and they said it was completely fine as they sometimes have trouble breathing and their airway can get blocked but after the sneeze he should be fine. And he always is. However the last couple days he’s been making the same sounds when he breathes but he isn’t sneezing like normal. Other than the noise he is completely normal, he’s drinking and eating fine, playing with his toys and eating his treats. Even popcorning when I clean him out and give him cuddles but the constant sound that he’s making when he breathes still worries me. Sometimes when I talk to him it stops and when I stoke him it stops but only for a few seconds. Sometimes it’s loud and other times is very quiet, almost like he’s snoring.
Piggies have narrow airways and any obstruction is much more noticeable. It can just be hay or dust.
If the sound goes on for longer than a few hours, goes and comes back or doesn’t clear with a sneeze then it is best to see a vet.
Piggies have narrow airways and any obstruction is much more noticeable. It can just be hay or dust.
If the sound goes on for longer than a few hours, goes and comes back or doesn’t clear with a sneeze then it is best to see a vet.
He’s completely his normal self and popcorning but he’s just making this noise. Like I said it does go away for a few seconds when I stroke him or talk to him so not sure what’s going on. I’m not able to go vets at the moment because I don’t drive and my family has gone away for a couple days
He’s completely his normal self and popcorning but he’s just making this noise. Like I said it does go away for a few seconds when I stroke him or talk to him so not sure what’s going on. I’m not able to go vets at the moment because I don’t drive and my family has gone away for a couple days

Hi and welcome

It is not an emergency. If the noise is still constant by Monday, I would book him in for an examination during regular hours. How old is your piggy and have you had the heating come on in the last few nights/days - it can be just the drier indoors air in older piggies with more flaccid airways? They can also snore without there anything being wrong with them.

See whether a bowl of steaming water next to where your boy likes to hang out most will help ease the symptoms.
PS: Or have you just opened a new bag of hay? Some piggies can be a bit more sensitive to pollen or dust.
Hi and welcome

It is not an emergency. If the noise is still constant by Monday, I would book him in for an examination during regular hours. How old is your piggy and have you had the heating come on in the last few nights/days - it can be just the drier indoors air in older piggies with more flaccid airways? They can also snore without there anything being wrong with them.

See whether a bowl of steaming water next to where your boy likes to hang out most will help ease the symptoms.
He just turned 5 a couple weeks ago. I have my heater turned off in my room because he’s in here and don’t want him to get too hot and my window is always open for him too. He doesn’t have hay as he’s had bad reactions to it in the past with not eating it and making him itchy. Vets said to give him hay based treats and food instead so he’s been doing well on that. I’ll try the hot water next to his cage and see if that helps. Like I said before it’s like he can control it as he stops when I talk to him so I’m not too worried but still concerned as it’s been going for a few days
He just turned 5 a couple weeks ago. I have my heater turned off in my room because he’s in here and don’t want him to get too hot and my window is always open for him too. He doesn’t have hay as he’s had bad reactions to it in the past with not eating it and making him itchy. Vets said to give him hay based treats and food instead so he’s been doing well on that. I’ll try the hot water next to his cage and see if that helps. Like I said before it’s like he can control it as he stops when I talk to him so I’m not too worried but still concerned as it’s been going for a few days


There is no worry about a respiratory infection; what you are experiencing is much more likely connected with his sensitivy/allergy. It is however very much on the mild side.

Guinea pigs will suppress symptoms, including milder respiratory ones whenever stressed. I have played that game often enough at the vets with piggies with suspected URI often enough.
Hi and welcome

It is not an emergency. If the noise is still constant by Monday, I would book him in for an examination during regular hours. How old is your piggy and have you had the heating come on in the last few nights/days - it can be just the drier indoors air in older piggies with more flaccid airways? They can also snore without there anything being wrong with them.

See whether a bowl of steaming water next to where your boy likes to hang out most will help ease the symptoms.
Every now and again my pig will make this honking sound for a bit, sneeze or cough and then stop. I have spoken to vets about this and they said it was completely fine as they sometimes have trouble breathing and their airway can get blocked but after the sneeze he should be fine. And he always is. However the last couple days he’s been making the same sounds when he breathes but he isn’t sneezing like normal. Other than the noise he is completely normal, he’s drinking and eating fine, playing with his toys and eating his treats. Even popcorning when I clean him out and give him cuddles but the constant sound that he’s making when he breathes still worries me. Sometimes when I talk to him it stops and when I stoke him it stops but only for a few seconds. Sometimes it’s loud and other times is very quiet, almost like he’s snoring.
update: he’s just let out 5 big sneezes and no more noise. Thanks for all’s advise. I’m still taking him to the vet because he needs his nails done and I can’t do it on my own but I’m just about to clean him out and that always makes both of us sneeze so hopefully he’ll do it more and put my mind at ease