Honkalula is bullying frogmella... Advice please

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Sep 16, 2007
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We put Honkalula 7 weeks old and Frogmella 30 days old in the same large cage, neither had been in the cage before.
being both girls I would of thought it would of been the boys would of been the problem, apart from mounting each other nothing, no bad noises, no nothing.
But Honkalula has come to life she has been swiping Frogmella and then wheeking and popcorning away, poor Frogmella she just wants to eat and be left alone, at 4.30am I was till awake on piggie mother duties and Frogmella was on top of the hay cube, I put more toys in during the night.
Apart from getting another large cage, what can I expect?
Will it calm down and if so how long will it take.
I know they have only been in together 16 hours.
Any advice please?
hmm.. normally girlies get along fine ive always added to my girls with no problems, just make sure she has somewhere to hide with plenty of hay in so she can get out of the way, and hope that honkalula settles down :)
I was adding things in the cage at silly o'clock this morning.
3 of use check the sex of piggies just to make sure I had got mixed up (as if) 0:)
Many Thanks I will go and add more ay now, in case they have eaten it all.

I've just let mine get on with it, and although some piggies have whinged and created initially, they have all settled down eventually :) Hope this is helpful.
I'd leave them to it, unless there is an actual fight! Girls are dramatic little things, i've got 2 that you'd swear were being murdered sometimes and the others are nowhere near them! They'll settle down I'm sure :) xxxxx
Thanks for that, I suppose they are just like my girls (the human 2 legged ones)
my 3 all took a few days untill they were comfortable with each other and hid away from the other/s xx :)
i have two of my girls in the horde that stay on the edge of things they squabble but unless their is all out war and flying fur i'd let them settle in and yes plenty of seperat food and hay and hidey holes should help
Good luck x
I have had to put Frogmella in a temporary cage, Honkalula has also attacked me, biting and scratching, I picked her up for cuddles and she sunk her teeth and nails into my neck/chest on 3 occasions now.
I could not listen to Frogmella squealing and Honkalula pop corning each time she had dragged Frogmella by her legs. I slept with a torch next to me so I could see what was happening in the cage/ without waking the OH up.
I have a large cage turning up tomorrow, which hopefully this weekend my OH will put a shelf up above the other cages for it to go on.
The boys are getting along no problems, yes we had a little bit of mounting going on but that was expected.
OMG how awful for you Honkalula sounds like one stroppy sow!

Your story has helped me make up my mind though I have a six year old who lost her cage mate last week and I was considering getting her a babe to keep her company. Think I will wait til she has passed to the bridge and get two who have been living together already. She is inside so she has us to keep her company!

Really feel for you hon and sending you a big ((((((HUG)))))) Hope things work out for you whatever you decide to do re cage arrangements and keeping them separate or trying to re-introduce later on.

Karen xx
Goes to show that Sow's can be stroppy too. It could be that she is in heat though, they do get very stroppy when they are able to conceive. Flora does, the amount of times I've been up and down in the night to tell her to stop being a madam, well I should be a millionaire by now.

Or it could be that her personality is to bully and she doesn't get on with pigs, I hope not, I hope it blows over.

Good luck with the little miss!

How long have they been together? i thought i had the first sow to not get on with anyone! She'd lived with a neutered boar since she was 6 weeks and i had to separate them because he was sick, so i tried her with countless rescue sows who she absolutely battered! She'd purposely chase them round biting them and just stand on them like they weren't there, a complete madam! We think its because she'd been used to being the boss with a male and didnt know how to act around girls so ended up bullying them. Thought id never get her to bond with older or younger sows, thought id try one last ditch attempt after spotting the most gorgeous pig ever in P@H and being unable to resist! I just left them to it, ignored the babies squeaks and left them overnight with two of everything, after about 3 days the roles had reversed and Maggie now bites Sephy sometimes! But they're best mates and cuddle up together and have a natter, much more friendly with eachother than my other 2 sows who are sisters! I really think it depends on their personalities a bit, i was amazed how Sephy liked Maggie but none of the others! I dont know what my point is lol but i do think you have to be strong and try to ignore the screams a bit unless there is actually blood drawn or shes stopping her eating etc. I think if i were you i'd try them again in a few days to see if it is just that Honkalula is in heat! Sorry i cant be of much help! x
I agree with that Emma, if they aren't physical fighting then I wouldn't remove because they can work it out. Fleur has even teeth chattered at me but she is so lovely now.

I love Sows, but I think it is wrong to say they are all so friendly, all pigs are different. My 6 are all so different from one another. I haven't got two the same! :)
I agree Louise, none are the same. Bumble and Maggie are a lot more laid back than Sephy and Bee but i wouldnt neccessarily say that they weren't the dominants, they're all just different and if frogmella doesnt get on with honkalula, there wil be at least one other piggy out there that she will love, i think they're just like humans really. I was astounded at Sephy getting on with Maggie! I think she just wanted someone as pretty as her to live with ;D x
Aww two models together! :) Bet they will grow up to be Wags! :D Now your sister girlies aren't that close but Flora and Fleur are they snuggle together and are currently in the basket chatting to one another while their cage dries. I'm cleaning down the c&c I've a thing about keeping them all spotless, I'm quite OCD about it! ;D
Aw :smitten: Bumble and Bee get on great when they're not in heat, but they dont sit together unless they're scared, they both prefare to just flop down slap bang in the middle of the cage ;D no matter how many houses i put in they just lie spread eagled in the open ;D
I have had them out for floor time together and they seem to get on, I put them in a new cage together and it is a massive cage and it all started again, this time there was blood, my OH was not here, so I removed Honkalula back to her cage, she bite me and made me bleed.
I was that upset that I rang my OH in tears and he came home.
So sorry to hear this I hope both you and the bitten guinea recover soon from your bites :( I was bitten badly in the heel of my hand splitting up a guinea fight once and I know how much it hurts! It sounds like Honkalula really would prefer to be on her own, yopu have tried a lot of things to see if she will get on with frogmella and it seems she is now getting rather grumpy towards everyone. Could the girls live in a divided cage so they can see/smell each other but not get at each other for a while?
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