honey was horrified!:{

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 4, 2009
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I came into my room when hon was going peep peeap peeeap !! because the cat was staring at her from a set of shelves poor honey was really scared:{is this normal what should i do ?:{
Basically I think Honey will have seen the cat as a predator and thought she was going to get hurt :(
is there a way you can stop the cat from going into the same room as Honey?
Probably best to keep the cat out. Our pigs are used to the cats and the cats are used to them so there are no problems. When our pigs were in a different cage for a bit the cats could get their paws in and we had to keep them out of the room. Is she small or fully grown? If she is small then the cat might be extra interested and it might be ok when she is bigger to introduce her when she is on your knee.
Luckily my cat is fine with the piggies and the piggies are fine with the cat. The piggies will even run up to him, squeak and kiss his nose. However, Harrison was a kitten when we introduced him to the pigs so he has grown up with them. We NEVER leave him alone with them though as you never know. I suggest you just keep the cat supervised when he is around Honey x
our jack russel sits by our hutch and watches the piggies-i think its quite good as weve only had them three weeks and they are used to her already!gemx
We have a dog who loves watching the guineas and a couple of them come up and smell her at the bars - to see if she has anything for them I expect! hee hee
honey is older than amy so she should be used to her but I think amy was just getting comfy on top of a newly cleared shelve the other side of the room :))
our cat acts like a guard to my guineas when they are in the garden and they love her! when they see her they popcorn all over the place! strange i suppose. They are definitely not scared of her. I introduced them to her when they arrived and i think that really helped because she realises they are part of the family and not prey.
My dog is the one that gets problems from my piggy. I was letting pumpkin run round the kitchen and our dog got too close and got nibbled on the foot. :))
My dog is great with all our animals, even the chickens. The only problem we have is that he loves fruit and veggies and lays watching the piggies eating theirs. He also watches the parrots when they have their fruit. Poor little starved doggy.
He does have his fair share though, his favourites are Carrot, cabbage, raw potatoe and cucumber, banana and apple, but whatever is on offer will do. I think he actually prefers veg to meat. In fact the only veg I can think of that he wont eat is onion.
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