Honey is part of the group

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 27, 2010
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After a very stressful evening of bonding last night we still have a few dominance issues but Honey is starting to settle into the group.



Thanks. We have had a few ructions since I posted but it all ok I think.
Thanks, Mille was a bit nasty to her at veggie time but she was ok, Millie is in season I think. She is also fighting with Johnny over one of the pigloos. She was wheeking with the group at the kitchen door for veggies which was wonderful.
AWW - good news and lovely group pics!

I am sure the Honey will settle in now that she's accepted. Dominance can take some time; my Caron is still at it.... but we are getting there! Some piggies just fit in and others take a bit longer to shake down.
Hey, just catching up with Honey's story.

After reading your previous thread 'Honey's bonding not going well', :( and now this thread :), glad to hear it all seem to be settlng down a bit better.

Its all exciting when another piggie comes home, but very nerve-racking for you to watch when things get a bit heated.
They will all be finding their social place in the group now diamensions have changed with Honey's presence.

I'll go make you a nice cup of my herbal tea for your nerves......;)

Anyway it is great that she has found a loving welcoming home like yours to enjoy, life for her will be very interesting now, like meeting new kids in the playground :))

How's Buzz and Woody doing Helen? Their first christmas with you...
I'm having a treat this year, I dont have to cook Christmas dinner for all the family because of the Foster Guineas :)) Mum and Dad have invited us up to their house because we havnt any room left in our dining room to put the table out and sit everyone round.
Thanks everyone. Yep they are all definitely finding their feet in the group again. As far as I know none of them have attacked Honey but there are odd squeals when they go up to her which I think come from the little ones when they get too close for comfort and Honey gives them what for lol. Johnny and Honey shared a pigloo yesterday though i don't think it was through choice, Honey was already in there when Johnny went in and he was so shocked he didn't know what to do so stayed in there with her. Gertie is a little protective which is good. This morning Honey had her veggies half in her cozy cup by the kitchen door and half in the scrum with the others. She only really ran back to her cozy because Ross walked past then Jess decided to help her eat what veg was in the cozy so was told off by Honey. Am a bit anxious being at work all day, I dread to think what they are up to.

Salt and Peppers Mum, Buzz and Woody are fantastic and came with us to visit my parents yesterday and had lots of cuddles. Woody is being a bit mean to Buzz at the moment though and keeps sitting at the top of the ramp and won't let him through. We need to weigh them actually as they are really chunky now.

Wow that worked out well then, we can't have people over either because of lack of space.
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Usually, once a piggy have has been accepted, there might be a little tussle to clear the dominance and draw the lines, but there are no bad fights, especially if all your piggies have the possibilty to claim some corner for themselves.
Thanks Wiebke thats good to know.

Got home tonight and all was fine, she wasn't with this others as she was in a pigloo but she has interacted with them tonight and had a lovely dive into the hay when I filled it up.
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