Homemade hutch Advice - whats the minimum head clearence a pig needs?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 12, 2012
Reaction score
Nr Tewkesbury
I am thinking of combining two single level hutches together, see attached amateur paint drawing!
My question is what would be the minimum head clearance before the space becomes too small or too scary for a pig to walk through?
I ask this as the hutches I am looking to buy are the shorter in height ones and with my design of added mezzanine levels it may get too small?

Am I being over ambitious?

Your design looks good but do your pigs use ramps? Some pigs find it difficult to use ramps and I have noticed there are a couple in your design.

I am not sure how much head room they need but I know it isn't as much as rabbits which is 2ft. To be honest, you may be better off just buying a double story hutch?
I have had them for four days now indoors in a cage, one will use the ramp up to the top of a shelf on one side of the cage, I haven't seen the other. This was why I tried to design something where the ramps are much less steep, I want to offer them as much room as possible and was worried that if I spent all the money on a double story and the ramps were too daunting they wouldn't use it! Thought all night long about it and came up with this cutaway design, offering a more steady climb ramp whilst still getting the advantage of different levels and a much larger floor space!
Maybe I am over thinking it!
Thank you for replying though!
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