Homemade candle


Junior Guinea Pig
May 20, 2019
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United States
Hey, I haven't posted in a long time. I was just wondering if I could make a candle that is safe to burn around guinea pigs or are all candles bad? If it is safe to make a homemade candle that I can burn around guinea pigs could I have some directions on how to make one that is safe.(I couldn't find anything about homemade candles that are safe for guinea pigs online).
When you say around do you mean in the same room? Not sure to be honest.
Anything with a smell is not good around guinea pigs. If you made it completely scent free then it might be ok but I always think it’s best to err on the side of caution and not risk it
Anything with a smell is not good around guinea pigs. If you made it completely scent free then it might be ok but I always think it’s best to err on the side of caution and not risk it
I was thinking essential oils that are safe for guinea pigs. Would it not be safe?
I never trust anything like that, we have a scentsy bulb wax warmer thing, and the company say its safe for cats and dogs but doesnt mention smaller pets, so i banned it from the house
they have a really strong sense of smell so might be best not to.. is there a reason why you wanted to put a candle in there?
So essentially you’re looking to mask piggy smells?
If that is the case, then considering what they are bedded on and how often you’re doing a full cage clean can be the place to start
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