Home Remedies For Cluster Headaches

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 26, 2014
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Hi! :) My boyfriend has been getting really really bad headaches for a while now. He has barely even slept. I do not know that it is Cluster headaches but the doctor 1st suggested Neuralgia but the attacks last too long to be that. I think it is CH but he's waiting on an appointment with an oral specialist to find out more. He still has over a nonth to wait for that appointment and the past couple painkillers they've prescribed have done nothing! Does anyone suffer from CH? Any jelpful tips would be apprieciated! :) Thank you!
I have a friend who does but they are all tied in with a chronic illness she has so she is on a variety of medication. My OH had neuralgia and that was down the side of his face. Hope you an get some answers.
Thats exactly where he gets it. It is something to do with his Trigeminal Nerve but sooo many causes for these things! And one of the worst pains too!
It's awful. Luckily my OH's was short lived and the result of pressure from ear wax. We spent one night in A and E though with him almost suicidal from the pain.
Yeah i did read that they call them scuicide headaches because there so glad! And i'm glad your husbands better now though! :) and yeah i'm hoping it's something like ear was or an abscess. Will find out next month hopefully. He does have toothache at the moment so it could be an abscess but the dentist couldn't see one in the xray and won't do anything about the tooth til he finds out more. As he could end up pulling out a healthy tooth. But i can see how your husband took it so rough. My boyfriend was punching walls to make his hand hurt to try take the pain away! Didn't even work!
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