Home or homeless

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Aug 30, 2006
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I went to see the housing officer last week and she has said that we are 13th from the top. We have been told that we need more points to beable to get a flat before the end of Feb or could end up in a hostel or B&B. My patner cant get to his Doctor till the 15th Feb as he's under the hospital as he had a breakdown about a year ago. Got my daughter in the doctors to day as she isnt too good with all the stress. She has been bed hopping at night and will wake up and get into some one else bed. She has also got bad eczema, the doctor is going to wright a letter for me and I have to ring to see if he has done it for wednesday as my appointment is on thusday with the housing officer. I took my daughter back to school and her teacher has said that she is going to have a word with the head to see if they can give me a letter from the school. Dont know what else I can do but pray!
I do hope things go ok. I cant believe you're still only 13th from the top. The way this country is run is rediculus. You should move abroad, then come back as an illegal imigrant. You'll get 2 houses and double benefits then! >:(
I really hope they help you.
darkest.dreaming said:
I do hope things go ok. I cant believe you're still only 13th from the top. The way this country is run is rediculus. You should move abroad, then come back as an illegal imigrant. You'll get 2 houses and double benefits then! >:(
I really hope they help you.

Thats what I told the city council! The city cant help us as we are not in the area and I said to them what happens when people come from abroad and she said thats different! I'm not at all like that and what I did say wasnt below the belt.
darkest.dreaming said:
I do hope things go ok. I cant believe you're still only 13th from the top. The way this country is run is rediculus. You should move abroad, then come back as an illegal imigrant. You'll get 2 houses and double benefits then! >:(
I really hope they help you.


Mary I'm so very sorry. Is there anyone you could stay with short term?
There is 5 of us all together plus all our pets! So staying with someone isnt looking good :-\
No, not really. I don't know what to suggest. I wish I could help. Thinking of you xx
Ditto i think it stinks too, seems to be typical all over the world :P

Thinking of you, do hope it all goes well for you all :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Thinking of you Mary and hoping that something comes up for you very soon. It's an awful situation to be in and I wish i could think of something to help you.
I'll send some positive thoughts and light a candle for you....might not seem much under the circumstances, but it all helps in some way I believe.
Take care,
cavykind said:
Thinking of you Mary and hoping that something comes up for you very soon. It's an awful situation to be in and I wish i could think of something to help you.
I'll send some positive thoughts and light a candle for you....might not seem much under the circumstances, but it all helps in some way I believe.
Take care,

Thanks Barbara that is a lovely thing to do. I have had a word with Lauren's teacher and she said that the Head of the school said that she can wright a letter. She said that she will have it ready for me when I go to see the council on Thursday.
should go to australia or newzeland, better way of life and the houses are so much more cheaper. :)

me and my dad are going their in the summer, and if we like it, we're going to move :) and are uncle bob will let us stay
with him... :)

opps gone on a smiley overload again ;D
Been to the council today and we are now 5th and 3rd from the top! All depending on the area we end up going to. I had letters from Laurens teacher and doctor that has helped as we where 15th. Two family's have had offers so that could change. The council said that there was a house for £500 a month (private) I have had a look at this on the web site but they dont let you have any pets! Plus £85 and £10 for partners to do a credit check, £125 for contract and a months up front plus £100! Thats £1320 to move in!
Mary said:
Been to the council today and we are now 5th and 3rd from the top! All depending on the area we end up going to. I had letters from Laurens teacher and doctor that has helped as we where 15th. Two family's have had offers so that could change. The council said that there was a house for £500 a month (private) I have had a look at this on the web site but they dont let you have any pets! Plus £85 and £10 for partners to do a credit check, £125 for contract and a months up front plus £100! Thats £1320 to move in!
Tell me about it, it makes me mad >:( I'm so sorry about your situation, ive been in much the same i have two young children and the council told me not even to bother applying because i wouldnt be priority with two young kids and no where to live not a priority! how do they work that out then? ive had to go private and it cost us £1200 and the council wont help with deposits only once you have moved in they will asses and see how much help you are entitled to and i moved in feb last year and started recieving some help although not alot in october. They told me that we would be better off if none of us worked but how is that fair? once my youngest is a bit older we can look to buy a place but why do the council not help people like you and me but will illegal immagrants it makes no sense. Hope thinks work out ok :)
I agree that the council are rubbish, me and matt were on the council list for ages and never got anywhere.

I'm thinking of you Mary and i hope that everything turns out ok.

Mary if you can get a house like that but with a no pets agreement - just get them moved in after a couple of days!

I have been in umpteen rented places & have just said no I don't have any pets - then quietly moved furries in. My cat moved into a flat of mine once in a hat box!
He stayed in for a few weeks then I started lettling him out. The landlord turned up one day & Skye waltzed in & I just said - hello stranger are you hungry again. I kicked his food bowl under the table so the landlord didn't see it & put some chicken I was cooking for me on a plate & put it outside for him to eat. Cat thought this was great - the landlord though I was feeding the local stray!

I recon you could get the piggies & bearded dragons in no probs. The dogs may take a bit more thought.
Cant see the problem with having pets! I work at a vets so they wouldnt even have fleas!
I know me either cant understand no pets in most cases. I'm in a rented house and I'm allowed my piggies and rabbit but no dogs or cats the landlord said it because of a bad experience with a past tenant.I look after the house and the landlord can see that yet I'm still not allowed a dog and i have never been with out one from when i was little and i hate it although my piggies cheer me up! I have also seen houses for rent with no dss, no pets and even no children! omg most people looking for a 3 bed house has kids and a usually some sort of pet. These sort landlords do make me laugh ;D good luck
Re: Home or homeless UPDATE

We have had a call from the council today to let us know that we are now next in line to get a maisonette (hope I have spelt it right). It is not in the area that we are in and could be any of two areas. Feeling abit low as this might mean my children moving schools, also it might mean rehoming all my pets. We will have to wait till me get the maisonette to see what space we have. Next Monday or Tuesday my lovely bunnies with be going to a rescue, gutted as I will miss them so much. Dont know how long it will be before we get any where as its now a waiting game.
Thats positive news then Mary
Fingers crossed

Even if it is in another area, at least you wont have to move the family into a B&B - it might even be nicer for your children :)

I moved schools 5 times as a child but i always made new friends

Thinking of you
Re: Home or homeless UPDATE

Mary said:
We have had a call from the council today to let us know that we are now next in line to get a maisonette (hope I have spelt it right). It is not in the area that we are in and could be any of two areas. Feeling abit low as this might mean my children moving schools, also it might mean rehoming all my pets. We will have to wait till me get the maisonette to see what space we have. Next Monday or Tuesday my lovely bunnies with be going to a rescue, gutted as I will miss them so much. Dont know how long it will be before we get any where as its now a waiting game.

Mary I had this when i moved from Private to Councili hope things work out for you O0
Mary am really hoping it all works out well for you all, dont worry you might be able to keep your animals not all masonettes are small, some are like normal houses my nans was, fingers crossed keep us updated, :-*
Thanks people for your posts! I know I havent been on here much and feel abit bad as I'm not answering any posts. From having to give up the rescue and now having to get rid of my rabbits, its all geting abit much. I do so much what to get back to my normal posting soon!
Re: Home or homeless Update

Sorry that I havent been posting on here for abit but as some of you know that my Dad passd away 3 weeks ago and then to top that my OH's uncle pass away.
Well we have been offered a masonette, the earliest it will be ready is the end of April. My guinea pigs will be going to one of the vets at work and my rabbits have already gone to a rescue. If by any chance I can fit a indoor cage in the masonette then I will have them back. We might only be able to have a look at the masonette a week before moving so having to sort every thing out before hand. We will be on the first floor so I dont know how we are going to get along with the dogs as they are used to a garden.

HI i have only just picked up on this post, if there is anything i can do to help i will, i am in Kent,?
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