Home Improvements.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Essex, UK.
My next-door neighbours moved away a few weeks ago. The husband was a bit of a D.I.Y. nut and would often be banging away at something in the house, making a lot of noise. Plus they had three small boys who were often shouting, screaming or bawling their heads off. So when they moved we all thought that we'd get some peace and quiet for a while. No such luck! The new neighbours have no kids, just two cats (I'm surrounded by cats!) but he has started doing home improvements now. A I type, there is constant banging as someone hammers on the wall. And some damn machine is constantly going, making an extremely loud whining noise. Aaaarghhhhh!
My next-door neighbours moved away a few weeks ago. The husband was a bit of a D.I.Y. nut and would often be banging away at something in the house, making a lot of noise. Plus they had three small boys who were often shouting, screaming or bawling their heads off. So when they moved we all thought that we'd get some peace and quiet for a while. No such luck! The new neighbours have no kids, just two cats (I'm surrounded by cats!) but he has started doing home improvements now. A I type, there is constant banging as someone hammers on the wall. And some damn machine is constantly going, making an extremely loud whining noise. Aaaarghhhhh!
Some houses are cursed. The house the adjoins my grandparents house had a family that always banged. When they moved out after 20 odd years of banging another family of bangers moved in! My partners parents also have a cursed house next to them. The last 3 couples that have lived in it over the last 30 years have all had ended up divorced. My parents parents have had to listens to the shouting an arguing of 3 marriage breakdowns whilst living in their house.
Not nice. When the last neighbours went on holiday, it was bliss! Hopefully, when the new neighbours have finished their improvements, we'll get some peace. Then all I'll have to worry about is their damn cats bothering my piggies when they're out on the grass! However, I have a washing-up bottle filled with water, ready to squirt them with. Haha!
Not nice. When the last neighbours went on holiday, it was bliss! Hopefully, when the new neighbours have finished their improvements, we'll get some peace. Then all I'll have to worry about is their damn cats bothering my piggies when they're out on the grass! However, I have a washing-up bottle filled with water, ready to squirt them with. Haha!
Rightly so. We can't have frightened piggles!
My neighbour is also like that! She's ALWAYS got a drill going! And it's probably the loudest drill ive ever heard in my life! And don't even get me started on the hammer......
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