Home 12 Hours And Not Drinking...

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score
Suffolk, United Kingdom
Is that ok?

We brought these GP's home this morning but they don't seem to have drunk anything at all.

They have eaten their veg, (including cucumber which has a high water content I guess) but not had any water. I have a couple of bottles in there, the same type as the rescue (bought them from there) and I've just put a little bowl in.

Should I be worried? Is there anything else I can do?

Thank you (this is as bad as bringing your baby home, that feeling of "eep, the responsibility for a little life!")
Your piggies are still settling in and may be afraid to come out and drink while you are around. Some piggies drink very little and rely on their veg. Cucumber is good for being juicy. You can also wash their veg and leave a bit of water on the veg to help. I expect that when you go to bed and leave them they will probably sneak out and have a little drink.
Your piggies are still settling in and may be afraid to come out and drink while you are around. Some piggies drink very little and rely on their veg. Cucumber is good for being juicy. You can also wash their veg and leave a bit of water on the veg to help. I expect that when you go to bed and leave them they will probably sneak out and have a little drink.
Thanks. I'm hoping so, we have marked the bottles so we can see that nothing has been taken. I put a bowl in there and just went in and got excited that it looked empty but it had been tipped. I've dried the floor of the cage and am now worried I have a wet guinea pig! *sigh* I might pop a bit of wet lettuce in their bowl for them.
Try not to worry. They've had a big upheaval. Best just to leave them to their own devices as much as possible while they settle. As long as they have access to hay, pellets, veg and water I wouldn't worry.
Still not had a drink, but been searching and found lots of similar worried posts and reassurance from members so hoping it's fine (including a link that mentions it in "How do I settle shy new guinea pigs"). Could have done without Timmy playing dead this morning (not sure if it was actually playing dead) but he gave me a heart attack, first by looking dead, second by shooting across the pen when he decided to stop. I've put some veg in their bowl but left it really wet so they'll get some moisture from that.
When I got my first two young guinea pigs I put a bowl of water as well as a waterbottle in their cage so they had the option of either. I removed the bowl eventually when I saw them drinking from the bottle.
Please do have a look at the helpful threads we have In the various forum threads. These are very useful.

How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language

I had one of the very best piggies at playing dead. She could seemingly not move a whisker and hold her breath for absolutely ages and then freak us out by darting when I checked on her. Sounds like you are experiencing the same! Also some sleep with their eyes open or half open so they can appear "dead" when they are dozing.

Just keep providing veg (perhaps twice a day) and at the moment unlimited pellets and hay and water. To encourage eating and drinking. Make sure you always talk softly to them to announce your arrival,and don't take them unawares. It may take some time but believe me they will soon(ish) recognise your voice and footsteps and you will be rewarded with wheels of joy at the anticipation of salad rather than breath holding terror. Patience,gentleness, kindness, persistence. (And a large stock of herbs to bribe). That's the key!
Thanks Vicki, I re-read the shy thread this morning and found the bit about water (I've read most of the stickies I think but it is one thing reading them, another remembering them when your piggie plays dead, mind you, lol) so was reassured by that. They have quite shiny poo (a bit smelly too) just now so I think they are getting water somehow.
I didn't realise that they could actually wilfully hold their breath though! We were rewarded with them coming out whilst we were cleaning them this morning and they kind of stood nudging each other and chirrupping as though they were saying "you go and see them" "no, YOU go and see them"... It's a start. Their fresh veg had gone within 5 minutes this morning, they've a long wait until tea time!
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