Holidays And What To Do With The Piggies?...

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Rosyautumn girl

Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 24, 2016
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OK, we had a cat before. When we went on holiday before our old dear went to cat heaven, we used to get my mum or sister to pop in and put some food and fresh water down for her, and that was pretty much that. And most people don't mind doing this as a favour....
But now we have guinea pigs, and how silly of us to not consider until now, when we was hoping to have a week away in Easter, what on earth can we do with the piggies?
I know I know, slapped wrist, should have thought of that before we committed to getting them. But we do have them, and we want to do the right thing by them. Even considering now not going away Easter time. But then there will be a possible summer hols break and I won't get out of that one! I am reluctant to ask family members to come in daily, because although it wouldn't be a problem if it was just to put food/hay down and change the water, well as we all know, GPs are a little more involved than just that! They'll need de-pooping and cleaning out pretty much daily too.
This may sound silly but is there such a thing as a guinea pig equivalent to kennels and catteries?! Or is it generally a case of calling upon the good will of a family member or neighbour?
There is small animal boarding. I looked into it locally last year. There is a thread somewhere with recommendations for places so you might get lucky and find your area is covered.

In the event we couldn't do it and instead the in laws come and holiday at our house to look after them whilst we are away!
Some people do make use of small animal boarding services.
I personally get my aunt or cousin (or both) to come and stay for the duration of our holiday. My cousin tends to do pet-sitting as a part time source of income anyway, so I just pay her/them to come and stay in our house and look after our animals. That way I know and trust the people caring for my animals, and my animals stay in the environment they know and are used to.

If your mom or some other family member can't actually stay in your house, maybe offer to pay them to come twice daily to do the poop scooping, hay topping, feeding etc? If there's money involved people are usually less likely to feel taken advantage of.
Ah great, thank you Tigermoth! Clearly you are better at searching for things on the forum than me, I did search before, honest!

And just looked online at small animal boarding places and there are a few nice ones in Kent to consider. Didn't even know these kind of places existed! It's all a learning curve.

I do worry how my nervous little piggies will cope in a boarding home, poor little things :(

Thank you again.
Hi GPcrazy, yes I did consider paying one of my friends teenage daughters to come in daily (she is sensible) and pay her a little for doing this, like you say when there's money involved, especially for a teenager, I'm sure that would help! But my husband isn't keen as he doesn't know her, I can sort of understand it, but it was something I considered.
Don't really know anyone who can come to stay, they're either too far away or have their own places and busy lives!

The boarding places are a worry cuz my piggies are very nervous (I'm sure than most others!), and not sure how they would take to being taken out of their own environment.

Oh dear...
when we got our piggies in the May time we had a weekend away and my parents came over daily to feed the pigs... in the October we had 2 weeks in florida..... my folks just came and stayed in my house ! I face timed them to check on them ( the piggies lol )... but if we ever want a holiday away with my parents, i don't know what i would do.. i have one friend i trust but it is a big ask of people...
I usually just get someone to come in to feed them and check water. They also just clean them out when required. I normally ask family or neighbours, I just have to accept the fact that the care that they get isn't as good as what I give them but I know that they are fed and given hay.
Last Summer I put them into pet boarding for my weeks holiday. The one I used was very lovely and they had great care.
I used this website which may be of some use to you to find the pet boarding. A lot of places will let you come and see where they will be before you sign them up so you can put any worries aside.
Find Small Animal Boarding in the UK - View Rabbit, Guinea Pig and Other Small Pet Boarding Services
Don't worry I am guilty of always doing this. I research and then bring my furry home without thinking about that pretty major factor. Luckily,my nan (who isn't a fan of rodents but has since fell in love with piggies) looks after him. Now she asks that he visits her on weekends even when we aren't on holiday. Though if my nan ever refused or could not I would have looked into boarding places or my trusted friend who has piggies herself and is constantly trying to steal mine!
We got the girls last May and then went away for two weeks in August. We used a boarding place that looks after rabbits and guinea pigs. I looked at a few online, liked this one and then went to visit first to check it out and the lady. I knew straight away that the girls would be fine there. I too like you was worried because the girls were new and still getting used to us but they were absolutely fine and seemed really happy when we collected them. We had no trouble with them settling back in.
We are using the same place again this year.

So I guess maybe go and visit one or two and get a feel for them?

We have had people offer to have them while we are away but we would have to send them in our much smaller hospital cage (at home they live in a C and C) and I would be worried about them being too cramped. We don't have anyone that I feel I could ask to come everyday to our house or stay over.
The other thing to do is ask the local vets.
I know when we lived int e UK one of the vet nurses was often happy to pop by and look after our small furries.
Or if not maybe they could recommend someone?

I think the key is to pay a sensible amount to whoever ends up doing it (even if they are family and say it isn't necessary).
Our neighbour here got rabbits a few years ago, and initially asked me to feed and water them for the odd night here and there, which I was fine with, but this became more frequent and for longer periods, and she expected more and more, and whilst she was very grateful, after a while I felt like she was just taking advantage.
Mine have been on a cottage holiday with us, they did have to go into a smaller cage (120 x 60) but they didn't seem to mind it.
Ah great, thank you Tigermoth! Clearly you are better at searching for things on the forum than me, I did search before, honest!

And just looked online at small animal boarding places and there are a few nice ones in Kent to consider. Didn't even know these kind of places existed! It's all a learning curve.

I do worry how my nervous little piggies will cope in a boarding home, poor little things :(

Thank you again.
Morning :D - funny how these things slip our minds! I'm in Kent too and have used April Lodge Guinea Pig Rescue near Dover. Whereabouts are you?
I had to use boarding once when I went on holiday. My boys were used to a big cage and I worried about them being cooped up in a hutch or small cage. Plus one has medicine and drank different water so I wanted to be sure he'd be okay.

So I contacted a few boarding facilities in the area and asked to visit. The one I chose was happy for me to come and have a look and I got to chose where they would stay (a giant rabbit pen instead of a hutch).

I have a few online piggy friends who I would ask and there are a few people on his forum that I would approach too.
Try to ask the closet vets to you and see if they can look after your guinea pigs while your away. If they cant, then ask if one of your family members can take them and look after them. If they don't want to do that, then ask if someone you know will take them or come to your house and do all the water/food/cleaning and maybe let the have a run around x
I think I am very lucky. My mum lives a 10 min walk down the road and always helps us out. She walks up daily while we are away and sorts the piggies out. I keep them on aubiose so I tend to put a thicker layer in so that they aren't in contact with their own poops/wee's as much. If we go away for longer than a week my mum will also do the weekly big clean for us (and she also brings up milk the day before we get back so we can have a nice cuppa as soon as we get home) :))
Hi all, thanks for all your advice. I tend to de-poop the girlies daily, and change their bedding (I use fleece cage liners and blankets) twice weekly, and clean out once a week, I just feel I can't expect my mum to do all this.
I do think my best option would be a boarding place, but I will definitely speak to my local vets first, I'm sure they've been asked this before.
I just want to do right by my gp's too though, I would definitely visit the place before booking them in.
Jude, I am based near Maidstone, not far from Dover, and it would be great to have a place that's been recommended so I'll definitely look into that.

Thanks all so much.

What would I do without this forum?!
This hasn't really been mentioned so I will add it. Have you tried contacting any rescues to see if they do boarding? I think most offer boarding.

My parents are divorced so whenever I go away with one parent, my other parent will care for my piggies. I know my Dad isn't nearly as good with them as my Mum is (what 5 years of pigs has done to her lol) but he doesn't charge me and is quite often happy to go to the pet shop (on my request) and buy them the most expensive hay lol (Oxbow) as well as extra treats and toys. I also get daily photos and updates. My Mum is excellent with piggies so I trust her wholeheartedly. She has seen me everyday prepare veggies, so knows how much to give. She also spot cleans under the houses for me, which is good. Having a scoop for nuggets helps, as then they can't get it wrong. I feed 1/8 cup nuggets per pig per day.
If you have a friend you trust that can care for them, invite them to house sit, or if the cage is manageable, bring the cage to the friend's house? :) That's what I would do. I was lucky enough to have my roommate here when I went on vacation to look after Agent Nibbles, and he did alright. I left her detailed instructions on how to care for all my pets, and when I got back they were all still in one piece! :)
Mine always went to my vets, usually because of medication. I always felt relaxed on holiday knowing they were in good hands. Cavy Corner rescue does boarding, as do Debbie at Teas in Northampton I think it's called Little Badgers :)
Yes it is called little badgers. Suzy at Glymmeath guinea pig rescue in wales also does boarding for pets.
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