Holiday Dilemma

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 16, 2016
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
We'very had our baby guinea pigs about a week but we've got a dilemma as we were planning on a trip to visit my mum in the eater hols. We have 3 choices, take them with us, we'll have to buy a cage of some sort, either collapsible or to leave there, (for future visits) leave them at home for my husband to look after, he's got to work so can't come, and will be fine with feeding,,just no so good with cleaning them out or cuddling them, or postpone the holiday till they're a bit bigger.
They're still very tiny at about 6 weeks old now, which do you think would be best?
I'd be tempted to either postpone the holiday or leave them with hubby. If they are on substrate such as shavings or paper-based bedding perhaps your hubby could scoop out the dirty bits each day and replenish with fresh, at the same time he replenishes the hay? It should only take him a few extra minutes to do. They will be fine without cuddles for a week.
As long as the cage isn't allowed to get dirty or damp, and they have fresh clean hay and food each day (and water of course) they should be fine without the attention for that amount of time. They're young and will soon get used to you picking them up again when you come home. :)
I am no expert but we had a similar dilemma last year when we had just got ours - they were about 8 weeks old and we had a 4 night stay away.. At the time they were in a hutch ( it was May time ) and my dad bless him came over every morning and night to feed them and clean them out. They live 30 mins away by car but they are very good at helping ! When we went to Florida for 2 weeks my parents came and stayed here as the piggies are indoor ones now..
If your husband is ok with feeding, I would say leave them where they are as they are still new and getting used to their surroundings.. He can just give them a little fuss if he is not great at cuddling them... How long will you be gone? xx
Hopefully I'll get the fleece bedding sorted this afternoon, so if I stick an extra towel underneath it should be OK, he can just sweep the poo's into a corner if he won't pick them out, (might look out for a mini dustpan and brush).
Not sure how long we're going, it's a 5 hour drive so we want to make it worthwhile, but not or too long, we can stay as long as we like.
Hopefully I'll get the fleece bedding sorted this afternoon, so if I stick an extra towel underneath it should be OK, he can just sweep the poo's into a corner if he won't pick them out, (might look out for a mini dustpan and brush).
Not sure how long we're going, it's a 5 hour drive so we want to make it worthwhile, but not or too long, we can stay as long as we like.
maybe get an extra set of bedding that can be put down incase they do get it damp...
I'd agree that they'd be better in their own surroundings. I'm sure they can muddle by for a few days without you. And I bet that your hubby will have a better bond with them when you get back.
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