Teenage Guinea Pig
I'm thinking about taking Primrose and Stanley on holiday with me to a lodge or holiday cottage for a week and wondering about buying a 'holiday' cage. (This is if I can find somewhere that will accept one human and two guinea pigs!) They live in a 2x5 C&C cage (185cm by 77cm or thereabouts), but even though I have spare grids I don't really want to be having to construct a cage when we arrive anywhere (especially as I always seem to lose fingernails when making C&C cages) and for my own peace of mind and their safety I would prefer them not to be in an open top cage if we went away. Can anyone recommend a good guinea pig cage which will work as holiday accommodation for them? Obviously it can't be as big as their normal home or it won't fit in either my car or where we would stay. But then I can't get anything too small as they would have to stay inside it for a week without floortime and I don't want them going stir crazy...