Hmm.. Fleece..

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I'm thinking of changing to fleece, spot cleaning 2 - 3 times daily and then a full change as and when i feel it needs it. I will be using a dustpan and brush to sweep poo's up and it be picking hay up.
I do exactly what Toffeewoffee just said. But it does depend on the size of the cage as well. The smaller it is, the quicker and more dirty the fleece will get.
yeah i couldn't keep up with the cleanin of fleece. I tried it for a week then switched back to sawdust and rabbit litter (yesterdays news) i find it easier to clean. I was worried it would end up clogging my machine with bits of hay etc. I found it hard to spot clean 2-3 times a day as i work a full and part time job so didn't think it was fair on my girls x
I couldn't have my group of indoors piggies without fleece. I spot clean 1-2 daily and I change the cage every 2-3 days.

I use a mixture of cut to size thick water tight mattress covers for the big bits and cheap towels for the smaller bits as underlay.

You can wash the fleece in a duvet cover if wanted. Just make sure that you do not overload the machine, as otherwise the fleece will come out stinking worse than when it went in!
I've got 4 large C&C cages, all spot cleaned once a day, Fleece from hidey houses washed, hay boxes cleaned and refreshed everyday.
I do a full clean of each cage every other day, so I wash 2 cage bedding one day, 2 cages the next.
It is time comsuming and my washer works harder for the piggies bedding than my family clothes. But I find it very satifying to see sweet smelling clean fleecey cages - although it lasts all of 10 minutes. rolleyes
I've washed fleece bedding, towels, inco pads for over 2 years, never had a problem with the washer, a good shake outside and a quick brush.
My washer filter screws out from the front so every week I check it and remove any hay strands.
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