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Hind leg lameness worsening

Suzy Doro

New Born Pup
May 11, 2021
Reaction score
Ashburton, Devon, UK
Hi, Muffin is 5 year old female living with 5 other female Guinea pigs. I took her to vet last Friday when I discovered her sitting still, lame in one leg and not running away as she usually does. Vet is treating her for trauma now, ie I am giving her pain relief and should see it improve if this is the case. Sadly, today I see she is now dragging both back legs. It's a terrible thing to see, but she had energy to do this and did run across the outdoor area. Vet said everything was healthy otherwise and we didn't need to euthanse. But she did say if it got worse it would be neurological. And here we are. It has 'spread'. I have seen some threads (that I can't access properly) alluding to not giving up too soon on pigs in this condition and they can recover. Hopefully the pain relief is stopping suffering and she has all she needs close to hand. Id love to hear from anyone who has had this experience to help guide me over next few days and beyond. Your information may help inform the vets guidance to me too.
Hi, Muffin is 5 year old female living with 5 other female Guinea pigs. I took her to vet last Friday when I discovered her sitting still, lame in one leg and not running away as she usually does. Vet is treating her for trauma now, ie I am giving her pain relief and should see it improve if this is the case. Sadly, today I see she is now dragging both back legs. It's a terrible thing to see, but she had energy to do this and did run across the outdoor area. Vet said everything was healthy otherwise and we didn't need to euthanse. But she did say if it got worse it would be neurological. And here we are. It has 'spread'. I have seen some threads (that I can't access properly) alluding to not giving up too soon on pigs in this condition and they can recover. Hopefully the pain relief is stopping suffering and she has all she needs close to hand. Id love to hear from anyone who has had this experience to help guide me over next few days and beyond. Your information may help inform the vets guidance to me too.


You may find this care guide here helpful. It contains practical care tips as well as a list of potential causes.
Looking after guinea pigs with limited or no mobility

I am very sorry that that your girl is deteriorating.