I'm quite a new owner, so others can probably advise better, but in my experience, unless your talking about the usual wheeking for food, this is anxiety/ fear. When I first got my two boars quite recently, one of them was so anxious he used to make this high pitched wheeking, almost squeeling, whenever I tried to pick him up, despite being gentle and slow and with stroking first, you would have thought I was trying to kill him! But he's got better even in quite a short space of time, and now doesn't struggle or wheek, although his patience for laptime ends once the veggies do! **
I know others find that allowing their piggies to go in some kind of carrier to pick them up, and cosies to sit in for laptime helps alot (mine gets a towel to hide in). Is this a new piggy for you, or a new sound you're hearing?*