Hiding In Tunnel

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They love cuddling up to each other or in bubblegums case resting her head on Marcys bum! Marcy is really timid at the moment though. Bubblegums getting more brave and comes to sniff my hand when I put it in cage and will eat from my hand. She also has to be picked up first cause she freaks out if she can't find Marcy
Awww :love: How did they fit!

It's cause their still both really young Marcy is 8 weeks and tiny and Bubblegum is 5 months and much bigger but they just squeeze in lol sometimes one walks one way in tube and the other walks other way and somehow they both make it through in direction wanted to go!

Love the name Bubblegum. How did you choose it?

Both of their names are from the cartoon Adventure Time. One of the characters is Princess Bubblegum and it's from there
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