Hidey houses

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I've had a hard day! just read the description properly and seen it says the largest would be more appropriate for my fatties.

Thanks for looking though anyone who has.
Would still like any opinions on these though if anyone has them or alternatives.

I have something similar. I wish it had more than one entrance, though, because my two sows squabble over it a bit and sometimes one will declare herself queen of the log cabin and sit in it with her head poking out of the door so that the other piggie can't get past her. :)
Mine are all poor little Billy no mates at the moment so that wont be an issue just yet.

Wow, Abnoba, that looks great. Do we have to watch out for windows - fear of entrapment?
Hi, I did get it and so far they have used the bottom level - haven't discovered the ramps yet. We used the upper level little house on ground level later on too.
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