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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2022
Reaction score
Hi again,
One of my boys has a little abscess and the vet told me to buy hibiscrub and bathe the abscess in it daily. This was over the phone and they didn’t give any instructions on how to dilute it or how long to bathe the area for (I spoke to the receptionist who had asked the vet and shown them a picture that I sent). I’ve just got some from the pharmacy and there are no instructions pertaining to using it in this way so does anyone have any idea on dilution and how long to leave it on there? I will obviously ring the vet back tomorrow but I wanted to start treating it tonight in case he’s in any discomfort. The abscess is on his side so I was thinking of diluting it in a shot glass and holding it over the area for a couple of mins? Thank you 🙏
Did the vet not lance the abscess? When my piggy Thea had an abscess a few weeks ago, it was lanced and I had to flush it out with salt water and a syringe to get all the gunk out twice a day and take her back a week later for the vet to check it. @furryfriends (TEAS) is the abscess queen of the forum. I've tagged her in for you.
Did the vet not lance the abscess? When my piggy Thea had an abscess a few weeks ago, it was lanced and I had to flush it out with salt water and a syringe to get all the gunk out twice a day and take her back a week later for the vet to check it. @furryfriends (TEAS) is the abscess queen of the forum. I've tagged her in for you.
No I just sent them a photo and they rang me back. They said it’s probably an abcess, it’s just a little lump with a white kind of head on it 🤷‍♀️ They said to keep an eye on it and if it gets worse or he starts to seem unwell then to contact them again but he seems fine at the moment so I’m not really sure haha
Just adding a photo for reference, it’s maybe pea sized and on his side near his hip. They have had flea mites recently so I’m not sure if it’s anything to do with that or just a coincidence. Eugene hates being held so it was really hard to get a photo 😬


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When I used Hibiscrub - which the vet gave me - I had to flush the abscess not bathe it.
The vet had lanced it and cleaned it out, I had to keep flushing it until no more pus came out.
Keep us posted.
Hopefully the lump won’t be an abscess but whatever it is I hope it’s easily and quickly dealt with.