Hi to you all 😊


New Born Pup
Apr 19, 2023
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Hi to everyone,

I joined here a couple of days ago after losing my beloved Guinea pig, me & my daughter are so upset as he was only 2 years old, we feel robbed cause he was so young, we still have his ' brother ' who seems to be coping ok, hes getting lots of attention & all the food he loves.

I deleted my account yesterday after accidentally posting something about my piggie along with someone elses post, i have no clue how this forum works so i sincerely apologise. Since yesterday i have had some lovely posts of people who understand our loss, so I've rejoined again, so hi to everyone, i feel your sadness your grief & your hurt 😭 I'm sending you all a big hug 🤗

Thanks for reading & your understanding xx

I am so very sorry for your loss. The forum is a lovely place, with wonderful people. You will find lots of support here, and we all understand how awful it is to lose our beloved piggies.

Hope you stick around!
Hi and welcome! I'm very sorry for your loss, most of us here have also gone through the pain and some of us are going through it right now. We understand and will always be here to support ❤️
Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m so sorry you have lost your piggy. It really is so sad. You gave him two years of happy days full of love. Sending you and your daughter a hug 🤗.
Hi and welcome

I am very sorry about your loss. Sadly, we can never choose when, how and what from out beloved ones die. No matter how young or old, it is always too early. All we can do is make every day with them a special one. If you have done that, you haven't failed your little one.
It is normal to have strong feelings of failure and guilt at the onset of the grieving process; they are the other side of the same coin that is called love. You wouldn't have those feelings if you didn't care deeply but they are actually not a reflection of you having done anything wrong. These feelings are usually much stronger after a sudden or a young death.
Guinea pigs don't have a concept for an average life span, they measure their lives in happy todays. As long as you give your pets and those you love those happy todays, you are not failing them because you are not just filling their lives with happiness but also your own life as well, and you create precious memories that stay with you, too. The rest is very much out of your control.

If you need help in how to deal with your daughter's and your own loss, then you may find our grieving guide helpful; it also has a special chapter with a range of resources for children of various ages but also for adults struggling with the loss of a pet: Human Bereavement: Grieving, Processing and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children
We do have a Rainbow Bridge section if you and your daughter feel it would help both of you to post a tribute with some pictures and leave a permanent reminder of your boy on our forum.

Here is our guide on what you can do for a bereaved companion from the immediate aftermath of a death to the longer term, including a look at conflicting needs and various ways of how to work around them practically: Looking After a Bereaved Guinea Pig

Our forum is not part of social media (it's actually older than them) so we have full control over our space and can create all together the friendly, helpful and supportive place that we all love and treasure.
In order to do that effectively and to make each poster/piggy the centre of their own thread, we have developed some quirks that differ from the practices on social media but these quirks are there as a means to give everybody the full attention that they deserve and the personalised support that they need.
I am sure that you'll get the hang of it quickly; you are always welcome to ask if you feel baffled with procedures or have any other questions or concerns, never mind how 'silly' (usually they are actually not) or how big.
Welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to hear you have lost one of your piggies. It's always heart breaking when they leave us but it seems more so when they are young.
Welcome to the foru,
I’m so sorry you lost your little piggie, sending big hugs :hug: Although his life was short I’m sure he had the bestof lives and that’s what really counts. We are a friendly group here so do ask for help and support if you need it, it’s a sad time and most of us have lost piggies and understand how you are feeling

Sleep tight little one 🌈
Thankyou so much for your lovely message, it helps to know they're people out there who understand the pain of losing a piggie, the grief and hurt is so difficult to bare at the moment, we're trying to think of his happy days ( every day) he was definitely pampered, he was so cute he looked like a panda with long fur & an adorable personality. Hopefully he's popcorning over the rainbow bridge right now 🌈
Big hugs & thanks
Glad you’re back 😊

It takes time to work out the forum but people will help you.

Grief takes time. It’s very raw for you at the moment but that will pass and you will slowly adjust to the loss.
Archie will always have a place in your hearts.
Be gentle and patient with yourself
Glad you’re back 😊

It takes time to work out the forum but people will help you.

Grief takes time. It’s very raw for you at the moment but that will pass and you will slowly adjust to the loss.
Archie will always have a place in your hearts.
Be gentle and patient with yourself
Thankyou for your kind words 😊
It's strange how grief hits you, you think you're doing ok, then next minute in tears 😭 just such a shock to find out he'd gone to the rainbow bridge with no apparent reason.😪 Thanks for your patience & understanding whilst i find my way around here
Love & hugs 🤗
So sorry you are hurting as much as I am. We understand here. We will all give you the support you need.
Thankyou, here to support you & your loss too, holding you close to my heart ♥ along with all the love for our adorable piggies 💕
Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m so sorry you have lost your piggy. It really is so sad. You gave him two years of happy days full of love. Sending you and your daughter a hug 🤗.
Thankyou so much, means alot to read your kind words. Definitely happy days for him & me, miss his prescence & personality, he was so cute & comical with his ways, big hugs to you too from myself & my daughter 😘
Aww I’m glad you came back. I’m sorry for your loss. You will find lots of support here as we have all been in your shoes at one time or another. Take care of yourself. X
Welcome back. I missed your original post at the time and saw that your account had been deleted - wasn’t sure why. I’m so glad you have rejoined. We have a very supportive community here. It’s kept many of us going when we’ve suffered a loss. Many of us are in or have been in your shoes. Losing a beloved piggie is so hard, especially when society at large considers them as “just a pet” and can’t understand why we mourn their passing. Pet bereavement is fully understood here. You are in a safe space.
Hi, aww thankyou so much for your lovely & very supportive message, your right I've heard quite a few people say its only a guinea pig, it makes me more upset to hear that, i adored his personality he was so funny & people don't see that they're so quick to judge so thankyou.Its really difficult as still early days & not only grieving for the one we lost we feel for the one thats left, he seems ok at the moment, he sits with us in the evenings & getting lots of treats. Many thanks to you & lots of love , thankyou so much for understanding aswell 😘😘
Its nice to meet you, sorry to hear about your loss.

As they are quite fragile animals sometimes there is nothing we can do, and that leaves us shocked and confused. Please take time for you and your daughter to process as it is so tough.
Glad to hear his wee friend is doing well, here on this forum there are so many guides to help us with our struggles as well as an amazing community/staff members who offer constant support. I am glad you made the decision to come back.

Keeping you and your daughter in my thoughts, and your dear boy who is now popcorning over the rainbow bridge. As said above writing a little goodbye in our rainbow bridge section, may be something you and your family find comforting, it is something me and my family found helpful with our daughters.
Of course you do not have to, everyone goes around grief differently.❤️🌈
Welcome to the forum. Sorry that you lost your piggy, we all understand how you feel. Take time to grieve and come to terms with your loss.

I am glad that you have decided to stay with the forum, it really is a great place. 🙂