Hi Newbie

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New Born Pup
May 16, 2011
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I have two baby boys one of 6 weeks and one of 10 weeks. The one of six weeks is happy to be handled and will sit on my chest for ages but the older one takes ages for me to catch and will have a stroke but then start knocking my hand away with his head. Doesn't he like being stroked.

I haven't had piggies for a long time and can't quite remember what it was like, it was that long ago that he lived with my rabbit and everyone thought it was ok.

Sorry their names are pip and squeak. I have been handling Squeak (the older one) for about 10 mins about 2-3 times a day will this help him get used to us and being picked up or do some never get used to it, he also nibbles my arm after a while when sitting on me. I have a 6 year daughter who loves them but obviously I don't want him to nibble her will he grow out of it?

Sorry for all the questions.
Hi, Its early days yet. Just keep up the handling and always have something nice to eat. My Jem is 9 weeks and still very timid, but he wheeks when he sees me because he knows he is getting a treat! Just be gentle and kind and eventually they will trust you. Nibbling is just a way of communicating, your pig is teling you he has had enough. Listen to his signs as this will build trust. They do grow out of nibbling. Enjoy!
Hi, Welcome to the forum.

Some Piggies will always run away when you try and pick them up as they are prey animals and your often picking them up from above. It can be useful to put your hand in so they get used to your hands and go at them from the side.

One of our girls 'Treacle' will fly around the cage to avoid you, so we use a technique that we used with our first 2 girls and herd them into a 'chube' http://www.ukpetsupplies.com/product.php/424/ - Once the piggie is in the tube we pick it up making sure they cannot run out of the ends and empty them out onto our lap.

As for pushing your hand away with their head 'Putt' does this - she doesn't like you stroking her head, but likes been rubbed on the shoulders and behind the ears so it's a case of finding out what your piggie likes

Hope this helps a little :)
Thank you for your advice. I had them out again yesterday for a bit longer just having a sit down and cuddle and I managed to pick Squeak up this morning without chasing around the cage it was Pip who was shooting around this morning. But they both had a quick cuddle before school and work, and got fresh hay food and veggies.

I have another question (sorry) they don't seem to be cuddling up to each other very much only if we go to take them out will Pip run and hide behind Squeak, as Squeak is the bigger of the two. Do Piggies cuddle up? I've only had Rats before and they love a big bundle. The boys do have seperate places to hide is this correct or should I take one out? Or will that cause fights?

Thanks for reading.
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