hi & help

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Jul 8, 2011
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south east
hi all ,1st post, found this site serching for awnsers to a few probs, i am new to guineas and went to a known pet shop where i brought 2 males young, as advised ,they are getting on well untill the other is now thinking the other is female , hes not genlte about it either ,i dont like to see the other getting hurt ,a friend lent me his 2 males to see if that would calm him down but it didnt. now the male is "making a mess everywhere inc my kids laps .. i was offerd a pair (male neuterd ) and brought another cage ,so now have 4 guineas but one of them is also making a happy mess everywhere inc my kids ,,help pleeeeease.............
I would probably check the pigs to make sure they were sexed properly. Sometimes petstores give you a girl by accident when you want a boy. As for the happy-sludge, i don't know about that.
good luck though! :))
Hi, welcome to the forum,

Have you had your boys sexed to ensure you actually have two boys? That would be my first step, i would then suggest you have a read through the boar behaviour thread - mounting and chasing is perfectly normal behaviour between boys when they are attempting to sort out who will be 'top-pig'.


wow ,gone midnight and a repley already.. ive brought 2 books and found a site showing what to look for as i thought the same ,as far as i can tell they are both boys and the others ive been given i was told the males neuterd ,can a female make this much mess ? sorry its not the best of subjects but my kids are only young and ive stoped them holding them for the min untill i now what to do, of what ive read this isnt that common or its puberty as the pair of male are about 9months or ?

hi, only by the pet shop when i got them , now they are bigger it def looks like a boys bits , the sad bit is he mounts the head and side as well and really squashes him and wont let him be untill he hides in a tube. ive brought every toy there is a they are in a very large cage to try and keep them happy etc ?
more please

has any 1 else had this problem , we love the guineas and dont want to rehome them but wondering if the 2 young boys would be better in a large group where he wont be constantly mounted etc or do i try getting the dominant 1 neuterd but reading the risks i dont really want to do that... is having a male and female in another cage near making things worse but he was like this for 2wks before the other 2 came, last night was the 1st time the older m/f guineas made a mess in the run but didnt see which of them it was ,,, would this be the female or do you think the male hasnt been neuterd and i was told they was just to rehome them ... I'm confussed . com ,,
Ive got 5 males that each live in pairs (one of whom lives with his girlfriend). one pair of my males specifically are very into the 'mounting' thing and it's almost a daily game they play, but quite honestly other than the odd bit of boar glue, they are not really 'messy' and have definitely never attempted to perform whilst either myself or the kids are holding them :)

The only time ive experienced severe mounting/chasing was when i bought another 'male' for a friend to my existing male - turns out that new 'male' was in fact a female :{

If you are absolutely sure you have males - then the mounting will be perfectly normal and should settle down in a few days, i know it's difficult to watch, but at this point the only thing you can really do is sit back and keep a close eye on them. However, you also want to make sure that the mounting/chasing doesn't get too much for the under-pig so what you could so is try separating the two for a while but ensuring they can still see/hear one another - you'll soon find out if it's bothering the little one as they'll try and get back to one another. `

With regards to your other pair of pigs - i thought they were both boys? If i were you id make an appointment with your vets and get them both checked to make sure the male is in fact neutered....

thanks again, tonight i didnt put them in the pen i held them seperate and they were trying to call eachother as normally both out together and 85% of the time are quite happy playing and eating together so i will take your advise and sit back and watch them over the next few days. sorry i wasnt to clear re the other 2 , the other 2 are older about 2yr old and was being offerd for free , i couldnt resist and homed them , i like the idea they are a couple ie male and female and the male is neuterd but like you i am now wondering if the male really was done as i was shocked to see the happy mess all in the pen last night and i dont mean just a little ,there was 2 lots and i mean loads of it ,i feel thick asking but if the male has been done can he still make this mess... i didnt think he would and if not could the female produce this amount ? hopfully someone can help me with this bit if not i will take the other point and take them to the vets to be checked ,thankyou
My Dodge has been done and still makes 'happy mess', it's all over the walls of my hutch ~grumble~

With guinea pigs, neutering only kills the tadpoles, it doesn't get rid of any of the hormones or the juice the taddies live in, much like a human vasectomy.

You are doing the right thing in asking loads of questions, we all had to start somewhere :)

i needed that , i felt a bit thick asking :red thats a bit more clearer and i dont feel alone with my randy piggies lol :)

:)) does sound funny but you wouldnt believe the amount:)>>> ..and sometimes the smell8...8... then the kids ask what it is :red i love the piggiesx) but i didnt expect thismallethead :))
What gets me is how hard it dries! Its like rock!

Quite a few times I had to trim it off Rods tummy where hes....ahem, released and its stuck to his tummy. By the time Ive seen it, its dried rock hard :)>>>

tell me about it , i brought a base sheet for the run , in 2 nights it looks years old :( the stains wont come of with pet detox , how ever i had a chat with them last night and told them they cant do it on me or they get no cucumber ............. so far so good:))
still going on

hi this is still happening every nightmallethead its hard to see if its going on in the cage but even soon after a clean out there can be a smelly unique smell. i have to say 95% of the time it happens in the playpen,, could it be the smell of the trixie base cover they love ? only having the 1 pen both pairs take it in turns to go in the pen but the scent is on me after handling as well and is less oftern. have i just got the most randy pigs in the world or am i going wrong here ,or should i go back to just the 2 males and try to home the new ones ,which i really dont want to do but its getting to the point where id rather not get them out as it just seems to be clean the happy goo time :)>>> my oldest daughter doesnt want to hold the new 1s as its not washed out of her fav dress?/
Hi....... oh dear rolleyes BOARS!
i'd try making sure everything smelt neutral when you get them out and if the children are holding them get them to have a towel over them...... it's the age of the piggies teenage years can be full of brrrrrrr'ing, mounting and general wagging of the butt !

as for the boar glue on your daughters dress....... we have a lady here in OZ that's a whizz with removing stains, she has a website (i'll find it and give you link....) she maybe able to advise re how to remove, you'll need to tell her that it's boar glue, material of dress, how long ago it happened and how you've tried to remove it! more details the better for Shannon.
If you don't get a reply let me know and i'll email her for you.


darn i see she's having issues with her site........ i have another way of contacting her as she is also on a local radio station, i should be able to send an email that way

G xx
How old are your two boys?

If I read everything right, then you have 2 neuters and 2 un-neutered and it's the two whole boys who are humping? If they are over 9 months old then they should have sorted out who's boss by now, you need to make sure that everything they touch smells only of them - so having 2 separate blankets for lap time if you use them, and make sure the run is moved to a 'fresh' bit of grass when they go on it. If they smell any other guinea's then this will start them off.

Keep a very close eye on them incase they start fighting. If you are confident with the handling of pigs you could try washing everyone, so that they smell the same, and putting vicks on their bums, and try to get everyone living together.
I've not had this problem as of yet, I currently have 6 boars.

One pair consists of a 1 .5 year old and a 2.5 month old
^^ the above pair is currently sorting out who's boss.. up until a few weeks ago it was the older male, but now Leo (the younger one) is getting older he's trying to be 'top pig'.

There has been no 'juices' that I've seen (or smelt) yet.. just alot of mounting and chasing.
hi lizzie, my first 2 are both boys un neuterd and less than a year old. the next pair i rescued as they was a happy couple and the male had been neuterd and around 1.5yrs old. the new 1s are great 2gether but if they go in the playpen he goos big time . the 1st 2 males are getting on better 2night but hes still gooing everywhere and trying to mount the other, . ive just put vicks om my shopping list, i will let you know how it goes ,thanks
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