Hi and any advice please?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score

I'm new to this forum and I tried to post this earlier, I think it went into the wrong bit. Sorry!

I've kept guineas for over 20 years, and in the past, I've not really had any problems getting my girls to live together quite happily. However, I cuurently have two sows who will not live with anyone else. I have tried introducing them slowly, through wire mesh, in neighbouring runs, small periods of time on a daily basis, distraction with food, I wondered if anyone had any ideas?

I did have a similar problem once, but i had planned to breed from them at the time, so I placed a boar in with them which seemed to calm them. Once the babies arrived, the mums and the female babies lived happily together. I don't want these to become pregnant though.

I am planning on getting one of my boars castrated though, I wonder if that would maybe have a similar effect. I really don't like them living alone, as much attention as they get from me I think they'd be happier with company even if they don't seem to realise it....

Any suggestions very appreciated!
I too have a couple of sows who just will not tolerate being caged with other sows - they're fine outside in a run but turn into killer pigs in a cage rolleyes

My solution was to acquire a neutered boar and construct a large pen type arrangement in my garage. I can now keep the grumpy madams and any other sows in the large pen with the neutered boy and they all live very peacefully. Sometimes sows can appear aggresive but they actually attack out of fear.

Teresa x
Hi Thanks for that. I think that's my plan. I think Hector is going to have a vets trip.... I agree I think it is fear, they're both as bad as each other really, which makes me feel bad because I don't want them to be scared, but in the long run they'll be happier. If only I could explain that to them!
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