Hi! Advice Please

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 3, 2017
Reaction score
Girvan, South Ayrshire, Scotland
Hi there. I'm a new owner of a male 10 week old guinea pig called Tig.

I would love to get him a friend but when i bought him he was alone in the cage so i was unable to buy him a companion.

I've been told by some people that i cannot get another male as they will fight but other say that getting another male is fine. I don't want to get a female as I'm only new and don't want baby piggies.

Does anyone know if getting another male is a good idea or not?

Thanks for reading
Welcome to the forum!

Piggies always need friends, and definitely no babies! :))

Another male will be fine but it would certainly be worth working along side a rescue to find him a friend, not all piggies will get along so they'll help with "boar dating" where they find you the right piggy and aid in the bonding.

You could always try another route, of getting your boy neutered and after the 6 week wait try to look for a female to bond with :)
Hi. Thanks for the advice. I would love to try the 'boar dating' but there isn't a place near me (I checked). I think I will go to the vet and ask about neutering, I would hate for him to be alone.
Hi. Thanks for the advice. I would love to try the 'boar dating' but there isn't a place near me (I checked). I think I will go to the vet and ask about neutering, I would hate for him to be alone.

Oh that's a shame! Do you know if your vet is piggy savvy? A lot of cat & dog vets aren't great with operations on animals so small (I have just taken in a piggy who's suffering after a neutering by a vet like that, poor little guy). If it's mainly a cat/dog vet then it's definitely worth looking around for one who's experienced before placing your lovely boy in their hands.
There are two in my town so i'll go to both and talk to them. There is a vets for pets (the pets at home one) about half an hour car journey away but I've no idea if they are good or not.
Ah okay, yes the vet I use isn't on this list and they're fantastic so you never know :)
Hi Emmy!

My piggies were also ten weeks wheb I got them and they're both male. The only issue I've had is dominance. Pigs this age are like hormonal teenagers and they might want to establish themselves as the big pig in the cage. Luckily for me my Dibbler is a submissive guinea and just let Ganon be in charge. Ganon's a bit of a grump sometimes, but overall very sweet and I've never had any scraps to break up.

So two boys can definitely live together but I would take Cavy's advice and take Tig boar dating at a rescue to make sure he gets a good partner.
Hi. As I said I would love to do that but have no where I can take him. I used the rescue locator on here and it said the nearest to me is over 60 miles away. I don't mind finding a vet to neuter Tigger/Tig but if they are unable to I will try to find a nice boar and introduce them slowly. Thanks for the reply :)
Hi there. I'm a new owner of a male 10 week old guinea pig called Tig.

I would love to get him a friend but when i bought him he was alone in the cage so i was unable to buy him a companion.

I've been told by some people that i cannot get another male as they will fight but other say that getting another male is fine. I don't want to get a female as I'm only new and don't want baby piggies.

Does anyone know if getting another male is a good idea or not?

Thanks for reading

Hi and welcome!

Your options depend very much on where you are living and whether you have got access to a good rescue or vet.
Key to any successful guinea pig bond is mutual liking and character compatibility. That is where shops and breeders fall short. People demand pretty baby, which they generally choose for looks and not how they get on; this is often aggravated by selling cages that are too small, so piggies can't away from each other. Then boars hit the hormonal teenage months and - although the majority of boars actually make together to adulthood - those pairings that are not balances will inevitably clash. It is not because boars can't live with each other, but they have been let down by human ignorance they have got a bad reputation and are forced to live on their own.

The best place to find a character compatible boar of any age is one of our recommended rescues; you will also have the rescue to fall back on if things don't go to plan. You can also be guaranteed that any piggy is fully quarantined and healthy, as well as properly sexed. Any bond where the piggies can decide whether they want to get on before you commit has a much, much higher chance of success. it also means that you do not have to do the full bonding, which can be a bit nerve-racking for a first timer. We can however only guarantee for any listed rescues. There is no licensing so anybody can call themselves a rescue, but any rescue that has achieved regsitered charity status is generally a safer bet.

How old is your boy? Age is much less of a concern than character compatibility, and a greater difference of age can actually be of benefit because it means that only one boars suffers testosterone spikes at any given time instead of two same aged shop or breeder bought baby boars.

Your second option is to have your boy neutered, so he can live with a sow or two after his mandatory 6 weeks post-op wait when he is 100% safe to go with sows. This is not cheap, but cross gender bonds are the most stable of them all. You also need to find a good guinea pig neutering to minimise the risk of post-op complications.

If you haven't go access to a place where you can date your boy, then your third option is to keep another "unbondable" piggy as a next door neighbour in a separate cage, with round the clock interaction and mutual stimulation through the bars, provided a bonding at your home has failed.

Boars, sows or mixed pairs; babies or adults?

Recommended UK rescues and vets:
Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator
Guinea Pig Vet Locator

Recommended rescues and vets in some other countries:
Guinea Lynx :: Rescue Organizations
Guinea Lynx :: GL's Vet List

New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit

Since we have members from all over the world, we find it helpful if you please added your country, state/province or UK county to your details, so we can tailor any advice to what is relevant, doable and available where you are straight away. Please click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location to make it appear underneath your avatar picture and username in every post you make. Thank you!
Thank you. He's 10 weeks old right now. I like the idea of getting a girl but will only do so if the vets are confident and have done neutering on guinea pigs before (and did it right). I will look around before doing anything I promise and do a proper check in my area to see if there is a shelter. I haven't decided on what I will do yet but first thing on my list is to find a vet that knows their stuff.
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