Hettie And Colin


Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 12, 2014
Reaction score
Lichfield, Staffordshire
We adopted Colin on Sunday, he is approximately 3 and Hettie is approximately 4.

They were introduced at the Rescue, both ate some hay, Colin did a bit of wheeking but they were very calm together.

We brought them back in the same carrier, an hours car drive, all fine. It was a lovely afternoon so we put them in the outside run, lots of wheeking again from Colin, Hettie helped herself to a mouthful of his bum hair but that was that, all quiet.

Put them in the indoor enclosure, bit of popcorning, strutting around (Hettie), another mouthful of butt hair by Hettie then all fine. Over the evening a bit of running around, lots more wheeking from Colin, but nothing aggressive.

Yesterday and today they hardly even interact. They sat near each other at mealtimes but one ate and then the other, never together.

Hettie is now in one bed and Colin is under the wooden arch. They haven't been near each other for about 4 hours.

Is this going ok or not?
I'm no expert but I guess it takes time and if there's no animosity then it must be a good thing.
My guinea pigs have been like this before, with them I think it was just they'd had an argument! Normal service was resumed within a day. Also sometimes I think they like to have a bit of privacy, so sleep in different places, where they can be alone. . Maybe they haven't got to know each other yet? They will probs settle down soon. I hope this helps.:yahoo:
Sounds fine, try not to worry. Fighting and arguing is the big no.... It took Widget a while to get used to Chickpea, they are firm friends now. The yshoudl settle in a few days. Be lovely to see some photos of your new arrivals :)
They are doing much better together now :) Have started to eat together and Colin isn't quite as vocal anymore!

They seem to have accepted each other and are enjoying each others company :)

Apparently, Colin had never been with another piggie before so he is doing really well so far!
Poor Colin it must be strange to have a companion after all that time alone! :nod: It'll take a while for him to adjust and be able to have a chat in your own piggy language to a new friend must be heaven!:luv: