Here's my furry friends, share yours : )


New Born Pup
Mar 15, 2023
Reaction score
1st image is our sweetie Chip, took him outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. 2nd image are the OG GP's Cheesecake and Lemon, Cheesecake is the one facing away from the camera. The 3rd is our 5 year old dog Carrie, she'll be 6 in April. Last image is Lemon again. Don't have a pic of our GP Chuck yet, he's camera shy lol. Would love to see pics of your critters, guinea pig or other fur baby.

Chip.webpCheesecake and Lemon.webpcarrie.webpLemon.webp
They are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing with me! Love their names, especially "Posh" so cute!
Such a sweetie <3 19 years is amazing! Thank you for sharing your beautiful baby with me.
Geoff ( ginger piggy) and Bobby ( white piggy) they are great pals and were 3 in January.
Oscar is my ‘new ‘ addition a Chinese crested (hairless)


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Hello and welcome - your animals are lovely! Here are Zola & Pansy the piggy sisters (about a year and a half) and my baby - Lucy. Lucy is 12 and a half 😁


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Hello and welcome - your animals are lovely! Here are Zola & Pansy the piggy sisters (about a year and a half) and my baby - Lucy. Lucy is 12 and a half 😁
Thank you so much for the kind welcome. Love your babies xo <3
Dear Thea

I am writing to you as your friend. You can hardly report a major misdemeanour to yourself can you? Our Slave called you Lexi (which is my name) instead of your name Thea. How very dare she? Does she not know the difference? She should do! I am a beautiful white and grey colour and you are a very pretty brown colour. There is absolutely no excuse for this! I have a bed head hair bum, of which I am very proud and you have a funky fringe.

I have gone into your Office (I know it's out of bounds normally but this is exceptional circumstances) and had a look at the guides you have there (don't worry I did leave them all tidy) and I think I found the correct one. It's called "What To Do If Your Slave Calls You The Wrong Name". The advice in it was very good, but you know that already as you have read all of them in your role as GPU Rep.

I'll remind you of what it said as it's probably a while ago that you read this particular guide. The advice is to wheek at her loudly to let her know in no uncertain terms that you are unhappy with being called Lexi instead of Thea. Make it very difficult for her to catch you in the hidey when it's time to go out to the run or back to the hutch. Generally make life difficult for our Slave for a few days by not doing anything she wants you to do.

Your friend
The Very Lovely Lexi
(Not a GPU Rep)
Aw, your furry friends are gorgeous!

Here are my two pigs, Sylvia (white, gray, cream) and Snickerdoodle (white and tan)!

I also have two dogs, Kody (golden retriever) and Honey (hound mix)!

I also have a few feathered friends but I’ll refrain from spamming everyone with bird photos 😂